Bulk Exporting MEF File from MUSIC 6

If you have multiple MUSIC 6 SQZ files that need conversion to MEF files, you can use the provided PowerShell script for bulk export. The script, “BulkExportMusicSqzModelsToMef.ps1 ,” allows you to export all SQZ files within a specified directory using either the MUSIC SL or HL version of the software.

Please note that MUSIC 6 can only run correctly in -light mode if the user interface is not already open. Therefore, ensure that you close the application before running it in -light mode.


To start the Bulk Export Process, please follow the steps below:

  • Open the Start menu, type “Windows PowerShell”, select Windows PowerShell, then select “Open

image (7).png
  • In Windows PowerShell, navigate to the folder containing the PowerShell script (BulkExportMusicSqzModelsToMef.ps1) by typing cd followed by the folder's path.

    image (8)-20240926-230923.png
  • Next, type “powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\BulkExportMusicSqzModelsToMef.ps1” and press Enter

  • You will be prompted with: “Please specify which version of Music 6.4 you would like to use (HL/SL):” Type “SL” or “HL” based on your license type and press Enter.

  • Next, it will ask “Please enter the full path to the folder containing SQZ projects to export:” Enter the path to the folder containing the SQZ files and press Enter.

  • The script will then generate the corresponding MEF files for all the MUSIC 6 projects in the folder containing the SQZ files.

  • Once the conversion is complete, it will return to the script folder location as shown below:

  • You can now close your Windows PowerShell.


Here is the Simple Demonstration GIF: