4.2.9 - Beta Release (October 2017)

4.2.9 - Beta Release (October 2017)

The focus of this release has been on Environmental Flows functionality.

Environmental Flow Manager improvements

The environmental flow manager links orders made at environmental flow nodes to environmental entitlements (accounts). For the first time you can also prioritise between different environmental water actions. Individual actions (defined at nodes) are now prioritised by the Environmental Flow Manager, required volumes (i.e. the cost of actions) for success of events are estimated and the environmental water actions activated accordingly. The environmental flow manager interacts with the /wiki/spaces/SD43/pages/53543668 and assigns the water available from nominated accounts and activates eligible actions, which can then order water when required. Cost and priority are defined per action or groups of actions at the environmental flow manager level. An action may debit from more than one account by defining environmental account portfolios at the manager level. For environmental flow orders to be linked to environmental entitlements, three elements must be configured in the scenario: 1) at least one environmental flow node with at least one action; 2) the environmental flow manager and 3) a resources assessment system must be configured with an account that has no account host. Available under: Edit >> Environmental Flow Manager.


In 4.2.9beta, the Environmental Flow Manager also now allows you to:
  • execute the prioritisation process less often: Operating Restrictions >> Decision Point, 
  • execute Functions during the Environmental Flows Prioritisation process with a new Time Of Evaluation: Environmental Flow Prioritisation,
  • configure multiple accounts in a portfolio, and
  • distribute the cost of action groups across multiple portfolios:

Environmental Flow Node 

The environmental Flow node has improved recording options for spells as well as condition. There are also improvements to some of the actions:

  • Translucency action now has an optional season when it will occur,
  • Spell based action now monitors spells for the entire season, even after it has reached its desired number of spells, and 
  • Initial states can now be set for the condition.


Constraints  are now available in the Feature table

Water User Demand Constraints and Supply Point Extraction Constraints are now available in the feature table. Available under Edit » Feature Table:


Resource Assessment Improvements

A number of changes were made in resource assessment:

  • The addition of a comments field in the Carryover tab of Annual Accounting,
  • the ability to sort water user names has been added to the Associated Account Host field, and 
  • users can now use a function for annual usage limit on off allocation accounts.


Regression Testing

Regression Test Report including coverage (index.html): 4.2.9beta regression test matrix

Regression test repository changes since the first Source 4.2.8beta:

(info) 1 Project results changed due to plugin changes
(warning) 3 Projects Edited from increased validation of data sources
(plus) 3
Project added

Details here: 4.2.9 Regression Test Changes



To run Insight, you also need to install the 32bit version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package.
This installer is for both 32bit machines and 64bit machines since the library we use is 32bit: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86).

Full Release Documentation

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