3.8.20 - Beta Release (May 2016)

3.8.20 - Beta Release (May 2016)

The last production release was Source 3.7.1


This beta release delivers significant improvement in model run times, with some models running more than four times faster than in 3.8.16beta. Our large test models have greatly improved, with the River Murray model running 40% faster.

Usability improvements

You can now define default unit preferences for logical user categories at the project settings level (Edit » Project Options » Unit Preferences). The desired units will then be set in all parts of the user interface without needing to be set each time in the user interface. Unit preferences can also be easily imported and exported via *.xml, which could be useful for organisations wanting to standardise the units used across their model suite.

3.8.20beta has new custom run configuration options, allowing for saved user-defined configurations for each analysis type. Once you add a new custom run configuration within scenario options (Figure 1, Edit » Scenario Options » Custom Running Configurations), it will be available to select in the simulation toolbar (Figure 2). Any settings you choose there will be saved to the custom run configuration and pre-selected next time it is selected from the simulation toolbar drop-down list. This option is useful for:

  • flow calibration analysis where you are configuring calibrations to different gauges, and
  • swapping model Time Steps with Scenario input sets, which can now be done seamlessly.
Figure 1. Defining custom run configurations

Figure 2. Selecting custom run configurations in the simulation toolbar

Report ready charts

The Results Manager can now export in full vector graphic format, giving a cleaner, sharper image that can be inserted into reports, either by copying directly into Microsoft Word, or saving to vector *.xps format for processing in specialised image software. With Results Manager's custom chart themes and this new functionality, you can quickly and easily format your model run results for reporting.

Water year reporting

The Source Results Manager can transform data to display yearly timesteps including totals, average daily, as well as maximum and minimum values. Water year can now be defined in the yearly aggregator by selecting the start month.


Source can now model variations in storage dimensions during the model run period. This is particularly useful in areas where reservoirs experience high sedimentation rates, or if storage infrastructure received significant upgrades during the modelling period. It could also be used to model the building of a storage during the modelling period.


A new Newton-Raphson solver with improved convergence characteristics has been implemented in wetlands. This allows for improvements in computational speed and provides valid results for a wider range of configurations, such as link capacity to storage volume relationships. The wetlands documentation has also undergone a thorough review with expanded sections clarifying the wetlands model implementation.


Regression Testing

Regression Test Report including coverage (index.html): 3.8.20 Regression test report.zip

Regression test repository changes since the first Source 3.8.19beta:

(warning) 11 Projects results changed (9 for Wetlands)
(info) 17 Recorder names changed
(info) 1 Results changed due to changes in plugins
(plus) 5 Projects added

Details here: 3.8.20 Regression Test Changes



To run Insight, you also need to install the 32bit version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package.
This installer is for both 32bit machines and 64bit machines since the library we use is 32bit: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86).

Full Release Documentation

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