4.12.0 - Beta Release (December 2019)
The changes in this beta will be available in the Source version 5 production release, due out at the end of June 2020.
Changes in this release include the addition of the Water User and Constraint Phase, and a user interface improvement in Resource assessment.
A new Water User and Constraint Phase
There has been a change to allow modellers finer control over function execution during the ordering process.
Phase logic has changed from:
10. Ordering phase:
10. Water User and Constraint Phase
11. Ordering phase:
The important thing to note is that the timing has changed.
Example: A function assigned to a Water User, that says it evaluates in the Ordering Phase, will now happen later than it previously did. To evaluate it at the same time as it did in v4.11, the time of evaluation needs to be moved to the Water User & Constraint Phase.
Migration Code
So to minimise the effect in splitting this phase in two, we've written some migration code.
The logic is:
- IF a function or modelled variable has a time of evaluation of 'Ordering Phase' (in v4.10.1)
- AND it is used on a model that is either:
- a Non-Network Element (e.g. Resource Assessment, Env Flow Manager)
- a Water User
- THEN move its time of evaluation to 'Water User & Constraint Phase'
- IF a function or modelled variable has a time of evaluation of 'Ordering Phase' (in v4.10.1)
- AND it is not used anywhere
- AND it has Force Evaluate set to On
- THEN move its time of evaluation to 'Water User & Constraint Phase'
otherwise, we leave it as 'Ordering Phase'
We know our migration codes is not perfect:
- We don't cater for Functions activated via input sets.
- Functions not used on a model, but only used by other Functions will not be moved
Recommended steps
We recommend you review any functions that are evaluated in the ordering phase and ensure they are configured correctly using: Edit \ Feature Table.. \ Functions.
Plugin Developers
We are planning on moving to C# 7, Visual Studio 2019 and .NET 4.8.0 soon, so you will need to make sure you have updated Visual Studio to continue developing plugins in the beta versions.
Regression Testing
We have removed the tolerance in our regression tests to help find issues earlier if we get different results on different machines or versions of operating systems.
Regression test repository changes since the first Source 4.11.0:
05 Project results updated
Details here: 4.12.0 Regression Test Changes
To run Insight, you also need to install the 32bit version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package.
This installer is for both 32bit machines and 64bit machines since the library we use is 32bit: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86).
Full Release Documentation