Source User Guide
The Source User Guide provides information on operating Source, including specifying catchment geometry, selecting component models, generating river models and running a project and viewing results.
To get started you can choose a topic of interest from the navigation panel on the left, or from the topic links below.
Also on this website you can find:
- An overview of the broad concepts underlying Source
- The /wiki/spaces/SD35/pages/57872279, which describes the theory behind the software
- Best practice modelling guidelines
Source modelling basicsGetting started and the Source user interface Nodes Links Importing data Running scenarios Using the charting tool Setting up a geographic model Geographic Wizard for catchments Rainfall runoff models Constituents Calibration tool for geographic scenarios Handy tools and user optionsData Sources Explorer Function manager Command line runner User preferences Analysis tools Plugins
Planning and operations functionsOwnership Ordering Borrow and payback systems, distribution systems Resource assessment Forecasting Restriction curves (including trigger levels) Enviro type applications Groundwater interaction tool Environmental demand model
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Citing this document
eWater Ltd (2013, October 11). Source User Guide (v3.5.0) [Online]. Available:
eWater gratefully acknowledges the Australian Government’s financial contribution to this project through its agencies, the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science, Research and Tertiary Education, the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities and the National Water Commission. We acknowledge and thank all partners to the eWater CRC and individuals who have contributed to the research and development of this publication/software.
The Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) program is an Australian Government Initiative. The CRC program supports end-user driven research collaborations to address the major challenges facing Australia. Australia’s network of CRCs operates across all sectors of Australia’s economy and society. Further information about the CRC program is available from
The authors and editors gratefully acknowledge contributions from: Australian Capital Territory Department of the Environment, Climate Change, Energy and Water; Bureau of Meteorology; Commonwealth Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts; Murray-Darling Basin Authority (incl MSM-Bigmod material); New South Wales Department of Water and Energy (incl IQQM material); Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management (incl IQQM material); Sinclair Knight Merz; South Australian Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation; University of Melbourne Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (incl NGenIRR crop modelling work); Victoria University (incl REALM material); Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment (incl REALM material); Water for a Healthy Country Flagship, CSIRO; Western Australian Department of Water.
The authors acknowledge this material is derived from the Source User Guide:
Delgado, P., Kelley, P., Murray, N., & Satheesh, A. 2013, Source User Guide, eWater Cooperative Research Centre, Canberra, Australia. ISBN 978-1-921543-71-5 (as for v3.1.0, June 2012).