Recorder Genius

Recorder Genius

This is no longer available from 4.12.3beta. This functionality is now available in Recorder Sets which was available in Source 4.3. 

I have made a new plugin – SourcePlugin.RecorderGenius – which essentially just allows you to select a .txt file, which has a list of recorders to turn on in it. It will build against beta.  If you want to give it a go, just clone the repo, build, and add to the plugin manager.

The format for the string *mostly* follows the tree in the project explorer trees.  Its very crude, and prob fickle, but it should work.  If you have a recorder which doesn’t work, let me know.  In the current beta, it will look like the recorder hasn’t been turned on in the project explorer, but that’s just a gui thing that has been fixed in a later beta.  To properly test, you will have to either run, or save/reload the project. You can use * as a wildcard.  Let me know if you need help.  Example:

 Sample Project and Text files



1.       This will turn on all ‘Account Balance’ recorders for accounts  

“Resource Assessment@Annual Accounting 1@Annual Accounting Recorder@Accounts@*@*@Account Balance”

You can see from the tree below where each part (separated by @ comes from)