This plugin was written by Joel Rahman to make it easier to use the Rainfall runoff calibration tools with only defining the area of the catchment to create a scenario.
General Info
License | As-is, use at your own risk |
Type | free, open-source |
Current version | 0.2 |
Plugin Description
Builds a geographic scenario with a single catchment, given an area.
Using the plugin
Once you have loaded the plugins and restarted Source, the plugin will be available in the project explorer:
Example Screenshot:
Source is available in the Source Community repository (https://bitbucket.org/ewater-ondemand/sourcecommunity) under SourcePlugins\SingleCatchmentScenario
using System; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; using RiverSystem; using RiverSystem.Catchments; using RiverSystem.Controls; using RiverSystem.TestingSupport; using TIME.Core; using TIME.Core.Metadata; using TIME.ScenarioManagement; namespace SingleCatchmentScenario { [Aka("Single Catchment Scenario Builder"), WorksWith(typeof(RiverSystemProject)), Author("Joel Rahman")] public partial class SingleCatchmentScenarioBuilder : Form, IScenarioCreation { public SingleCatchmentScenarioBuilder() { InitializeComponent(); } public AbstractScenario CreateScenario(Form parent, AbstractProject project) { ShowDialog(); RiverSystemScenario testScenario = TestHelperRiverSystem.getAPreconfiguredTestScenarioWithAWBM(1, (RiverSystemProject)project); Catchment c = testScenario.Network.Catchments.First() as Catchment; c.characteristics.areaInSquareMeters = CatchmentAreaControl.GetValue(CommonUnits.squareMetres); foreach (var fu in c.FunctionalUnits) fu.areaInSquareMeters = 0; c.FunctionalUnits.First().areaInSquareMeters = c.characteristics.areaInSquareMeters; testScenario.Name += " " + (project as RiverSystemProject).GetRSScenarios().Length + 1; return testScenario; } public string Description { get { return "Single catchment scenario for rainfall runoff modelling"; } } public string IconPath { get { return "/RiverSystem.Forms;component/Resources/river-operator.ico"; } } private void BuildButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Close(); } } }
, multiple selections available,