Customising Source
Customising Source
The main methods for customising Source are through Plugins, Functions and using the Command Line Runner.
- Functions are a powerful math and logic language built into Source (similar to Excel formula)
- Plugins are Open ended system for changing the algorithms, user interfaces or the operation of Source
- External Scripting with the Command Line Runner allows you to do Batch runs, optimisation, and links to other systems.
Source is built upon TIME, a general purpose modelling system. TIME is a software framework for developing eco-hydrological models based upon the Microsoft .NET framework. It is designed to support the creation, testing and end-user delivery of environmental simulation models.
Supports the management, manipulation and presentation of a variety of data types, as well as support for testing, integrating and calibrating simulation models.
TIME Underpins a range of spatial and temporal modelling systems including a number of toolkit models (www.toolkit.net.au)