Version 6: eWater wouldlike to acknowledge contributions made by the broader eWater MUSICcommunity. Particular thanks to the following individuals whoprovided critical feedback through beta testing: Dale Browne(e2DesignLab), Georgie Wettenhall (Design Flow), Tony Weber (BMTWBM), Hugh Duncan (University of Melbourne), Cintia Dotto (CRCWater Sensitive Cities), Jay Jonasson (Ku-ring Council), TonyMerrilies (Blacktown Council), David McCarthy (Monash University),Tim Fletcher (University of Melbourne), Peter Morison (MelbourneWater) and Ana Deletic (Monash University).
Version5: Dr Virginia Stovin from SheffieldUniversity for ongoing advice and support in adapting music to UKSuDS applications and science, Dr Tim Hess and Dr Jerry Knox fromCranfield University for their assistance with regards toderivation of suitable PET data sets. JBA, especially Marc Pinnell,Jeremy Benn, Oliver Francis and Jose Sabatini.
Version 4: The musicUser Community has driven much of the development direction formusic thank you for your invaluable feedback over manyyears. Thank you also to the past music developers, especiallyLionel Siriwardena (University of Melbourne) who provided codingsupport and direction.
Numerous people have been important in assisting with thetesting and release of music , including Anne Lintern (MonashUniversity), Kate Mann (eWater CRC), David Ljubic (eWater CRC),Sally Hunter (eWater CRC), Nicole Ramilo (BMT WBM), Michael Hughes(BMT WBM), Bruce Harris (BMT WBM), Herry Hamidjaja (eWater CRC) andMatthew Sant (eWater Innovation). Ralph Ogden (eWater CRC), TonyWong (AECOM), Tony McAlister (BMT WBM), Michael Bermingham(Melbourne Water) and Anne Simi (Brisbane City Council) allcontributed by their involvement in the development GovernanceCommittee Thank you.
Version 3: A number ofpeople helped in beta-testing version 3 of music, including GeoffTaylor, Dale Browne and Erin Pears (Monash University), Alain Séven(École des Ingenieurs de la Ville de Paris), Georgie Wettenhall(Ecological Engineering), Tony Weber (WBM Oceanics) and Jake Moore(Melbourne Water). Grace Mitchell (Monash University) andSara Lloyd (Monash University and Melbourne Water) made helpfulsuggestions on improvements to enhance music v3.
Version 2: Contributionsto music came from a number of members and associates of the CRCfor Catchment Hydrology. In particular we wish to thank Tony Weberand André Taylor (Brisbane City Council), and Graham Rooney(Melbourne Water) for their ongoing feedback and support. Dale Browne (Melbourne Water) also contributed significantlyto development of music Version 2. Jane Catford (CRC SummerStudent) reviewed water quality standards, and Dr. Peter Breen (CRCfor Freshwater Ecology) provided advice and technical input. DavidPerry (CRC Communication and Adoption Program Leader) coordinatedthe production of the music support material and training. LucyPeljo, Jodie Fielding and Allison Horne (Brisbane City Council)provided comments on earlier versions of the manual.