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A tank is a type of storage used in domestic, commercial and/or industrial settings to store water collected from surface runoff or sources such as greywater or blackwater waste streams. Once stored the water can be released in a controlled manner, and/or used to supply water demands.

There is a trend towards installing domestic rainwater tanks in urban areas to capture roof runoff and supply non-potable water demands. The benefits of using water sourced from a rainwater tank include:

  • reduced reliance on potable water supply, thus deferring potable water system upgrade or expansion and increasing the security of supply from existing water sources;
  • stormwater retention/detention;
  • urban water quality improvement via retention and diversion of stormwater to the sewer and garden areas, thus reducing the volume of stormwater pollutants discharging to the catchment watercourses; and
  • protection of urban streams, through reducing the duration of elevated flows.

Rainwater tanks are most efficient when the retained water supplies multiple water demands within a household, e.g. toilet flushing, garden irrigation, filling or topping-up swimming pools, clothes washing and other appropriate non-potable uses.

In many areas health departments do not expressly prohibit rainwater tanks supplying drinking water, however, guidelines typically recommend avoiding drinking rainwater where a reticulated potable supply is available.

Tank construction

Rainwater tanks are usually constructed from plastic, or galvanised steel, and are located above-ground adjacent to the sides of a dwelling or building. Where space is limited, tanks can also be installed below-ground, under-floor and in-slab - in these situations, tanks are often constructed from concrete or impermeable plastic membranes.


Conceptually, the operation of a rainwater tank is identical to the operation of any tank-based storage infrastructure. The simulation scheme developed is generic in its applicability to all forms of tank-based storage. The tank allows for the inflow of rainwater as well as the provision of trickle top-up, triggered to start and stop at a user-specified tank level.



There are restrictions on which node inputs and outputs you can connect together. See Urban Developer node connection rules.

The Tank node is available for Urban Scenarios only.

Multiple Tanks

In the current version of Urban Developer, you can connect more than one tank to a supply point; however this model type is not currently supported and may give inaccurate results. If you need to model a multiple-tank installation, the best workaround is to regard the entire installation as a single tank, and adjust initial levels, first-flush volumes etc, accordingly.

Node Dependencies

  • Inflow: Tank inflow is usually from a roof node or other impervious area.There is no direct input capability for "topping-up" the tank; topup is controlled by a parameter in the tank property editor (see below).

The top-up function takes water from the mains supply, however in this version, the mains supply usage due to trickle top-up is not tracked. 

Node Outputs

  • Demand: The tank volume extracted by a Water Use node per unit time.
    Link type: Demand
  • Spill: The volume flowing out of the tank when the detention volume is exceeded.
    Link type: Runoff (this link type is not currently implemented in the Urban Developer Plugin)
  • Detention outflow: The flow from the overflow pipe at the invert of the detention volume, during a flood event.
    Link type: Runoff (this link type is not currently implemented in the Urban Developer Plugin)

Node Properties

The tank parameters must be configured to represent the total number of dwellings in downstream Average or Behavioural Water Use nodes. For example, 4 houses with 10 m3 of tank volume each would need to be attached to a single tank node with 40 m3 total volume.

PropertyDescriptionUnitsDefault ValueRecommended Range



Cross-sectional areaDefines the cross-sectional or area of the tank base.m22.5NA>= 0

Defines the total height of the tank. Includes detention and dead zone height and dead zone height.m2NA>= 0
Height of off-take invert

Defines the height of the offtake pipe on the tank; the offtake pipe supplies demands from the tank.

The invert level of the offtake is the height of the lowest point of the pipe above the tank base. Once the tank is filled above the offtake invert level, the water depth in the tank will never fall below this level.

Demand off-take occurs from the base of the tank just above the anaerobic or "dead" zone; a tank should therefore have a minimum "dead zone" depth of 0.1 m to allow for accumulation of sediment and other material. Water will never be drawn from the "dead zone".

m0.1[0, 2]>= 0
Initial water depthDefines the initial depth of water in the tank at the start of the model run.m0.1[0, 1000]>= 0

Overflow Configuration

Detention volume depth

Defines the detention (storage) volume depth of the tank. The detention volume depth is the depth from above the overflow outlet invert to below the tank spill/top of the tank; hdet in the diagram.

Detention volumes are used as buffers to decrease output flow rates in situations of high input flow. If the tank has no detention storage, set the detention volume depth equal to the overflow outlet diameter.

m0.1NA[0, 2]
Overflow outlet diameterDefines the diameter of the overflow orifice, located at the base of the detention storage.mm100[10, 320][1, 1000]
Overflow outlet discharge coefficientDischarge coefficient used in the evaluation of the orifice flow equation.NA0.86NANA

External top up

Enable external top-up

If enabled, allows for the tank to be topped-up with mains water so that the tank always maintains a user-specified water level. You do not need to connect a mains water supply node to a tank node to provide inflow for top-up; when you enable external top-up, Urban Developer handles the mains connection internally.NADisabledNANA
Top-up rate

Defines the rate of mains water top-up in litres per second.L/s250NA>= 0
Top-up triggered onDefines the depth above the tank base at which the tank will start to top up.
This depth must be greater than the height of the off-take.
m0.2NA>= 0
Top-up triggered off

Defines the depth above the tank base at which the tank will stop automatically topping up.
This depth must be greater than the Top-up triggered-on depth.
m0.3NA> Top-up triggered on

First Flush System

Enable first flush systemIf enabled, changes the tank inflow behaviour so that a user-specified volume of water will bypass the tank before inflow to the tank occurs.NADisabledNANA
First Flush VolumeSpecifies the volume of water the first-flush device diverts.m30.015[0, 100]>= 0
First Flush Outlet flow rateSpecifies the outflow rate to the selected discharge outlet.m3/s0.01NA>= 0
Discharges Connection

Specifies the tank outlet that first-flush outflow is discharged through.

Detention outflow specifies that the first flush volume discharges via a connection to the detention outflow pipe.

Spill specifies that the first flush volume discharges via spilling from the tank.



Tank bypass

Not currently implemented in the Urban Developer Plugin.

If enabled, all inflows flow directly to the detention outflow. This allows you to temporarily disconnect a tank without removing it from the model.


User Interface

The Tank node is configured via the node Feature EditorNode properties are accessed through 4 levels:


1 Tank Dimensions 

2 External topup

3 First Flush behaviour

4 Outflow configuration


This material has been adapted from:

eWater Cooperative Research Centre (2011) Urban Developer Product Specification: Storage Tank Routing v0.4. eWater Cooperative Research Centre, Canberra. 23 June 2011.

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