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Used for Operations scenarios, the Tabular Editor only contains information after a warm-up or scenario run and is positioned to the first time-step in the forecast period. Refer to Forecasting for details. It provides a spreadsheet-like representation of data that is otherwise presented in graphical form in the Recording Manager. Figure 1 shows an example of historical and forecast data in the Tabular Editor. The row where the cells have a pale blue background is the first day of the forecast period (ie. normally “today”). Rows prior to this show historical data. At this point, all values in the forecast period are zero because no forecasting has been done. 

 Figure 1. Tabular Editor

Clicking the column title opens the Charting Tool for the node’s time series. This is synonymous to right clicking and choosing Time Series Graph from the contextual menu (Figure 13). Choosing Feature Editor opens the node’s feature editor that is associated with that column. Additionally, the contextual menu provides a means of changing the column’s units and access to a formatting editor for the individual column (see Customising the Tabular Editor).

Clicking a cell shows the relationship between nodes corrected for travel time. Figure 13 shows this relationship using a yellow highlight. When multiple cells are selected:

  • The travel-time indicator is only calculated for the last cell that was clicked; and
  • The selection statistics are updated to show the sum and mean for all cells in the selection.

The Show Column Editor button expands the window (Figure 13) to include an hierarchical list of data sources that are candidates for inclusion in the Tabular Editor. Click Hide Column Editor to return to the original view.

Using the Column Editor

The Show Column Editor tab displays a tree view of all the nodes used in the scenario, which you can expand to show the output parameters for each node. You can change the way results are displayed in the Tabular Editor, making analysis easier. You can:

  • Check or uncheck items in the list to show or hide the relevant columns in the table.
  • Re-order columns by clicking and dragging an item to the desired location in the list. For example, Figure 14 shows how re-ordering the parameters in the list results in a re-arrangement of table columns. In this case, the Downstream Flow for Storage 2 and Storage 4 appear together in the table after re-ordering them in the column editor.
  • Group similar parameters together using the group-related tabs. Click on Add Group and enter an appropriate name for the group. Add the desired parameters, nodes or links by clicking and dragging them into the new group. An additional group (Downstream flow volume for all inflows) has been added to the list in Figure 15, along with the relevant parameters from each inflow node. This group can be renamed (Edit Name) or removed (Del Group).

Figure 2. Show Column Editor (Column re-ordered)

Figure 3. Show Column Editor (Add group)

Customising the Tabular Editor

You can customise the Tabular Editor to your needs. For each type of node or link, you can select:  

  • A background colour for the cell;  
  • A foreground colour and stylistic variation (eg. bold-face) for values displayed in the cell; and  
  • The number of decimal places to be displayed.

There are two ways to apply formatting: 

  • By adjusting a set of user preferences. See Tabular Editor Formatting. Changes made via this method apply to all projects; or
  • By right-clicking a column heading and choosing Column Formatting (refer to Column formatting). Changes made via this method only apply to the current project.  

Column formatting

In this window, the Multiple Expressions tab (as shown in Figure 1) allows you to apply conditional formatting to cells in the tabular editor to highlight when thresholds or rules are breached eg. Flow < 500 ML/day. More than one expression can be applied to a cell. Click Add to specify the details of an expression, and Edit to define the expression using the Function editor. When more than one condition is satisfied, the cell is formatted as per the left side of the panel. Hover the mouse over the cell with the conditional format, and the expression name is displayed. Click Remove to delete an expression from the list.

Figure 1. Tabular editor, Formatting, multiple expressions

The Column Settings tab allows you to override project-related Tabular Editor Format Settings for the parameters displayed in the Tabular Editor.

Figure 2. Tabular editor, Formatting, column settings

The Header Settings tab allows you to create a header title (label) and header colour for the Tabular Editor.

Figure 3. Tabular editor, Formatting, header settings

  • No labels