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Configuration settings that are project-specific are accessed via Edit » Project Options. These settings are saved with your project, and if you share the project with another person, the settings will persist. 

Audit Log Settings

The audit log keeps The audit log keeps track of the changes made to a project over time. This is particularly useful for projects that are worked on by multiple people, but can become a processing burden, especially in the case of large projects. Audit Logging logging is off on by default, but can be enabled disabled by toggling onoff Enable Logging. Click Clear Audit Log to  It is now possible to disable and clear the audit log. Access this option through delete all existing entries in the audit log. This can be useful if you have finished one stage of modelling (eg. building your model) and now want to monitor the changes made to the project from this point forward. Before clearing the log you can export the existing entries by opening the Audit Log Viewer (select View » Audit Logs...), right click on a cell and choose Copy All and paste contents into a text file or Excel file. 

Figure 1. Project Options, Audit Log Settings

Result Manager Options

Unit Preferences

Image RemovedYou can specify the default start of the water year, and choose how this change will affect existing statistics. There are three Update Mode options available:

  • Do not update – only new statistics will use the new value. This is the default;
  • Update all – update any existing statistics to the new water year; and
  • Update unchanged – update any existing statistics that have not been changed from the previous default. Regardless of the default, you can change the start of water year for a single result or custom chart on the Statistics view for that result.

For example, the start of the water year is set to 1 Oct. You create a custom chart, it has the default water year start date of 1 Oct. You also create an annual aggregator transform and change the water year start date from 1 Oct to 1 Jan. Later, you change the default water year start date in Project Options to 1 Jul. Regardless of which update mode you choose, all new statistics will use 1 Jul. If you choose Do not update, the custom chart and aggregator will continue to use their previous values, 1 Oct and 1 Jan, respectively. If you choose Update all, the custom chart and the annual aggregator will both use the new default, 1 Jul. If you choose Update unchanged, the custom chart will use 1 Jul, but the aggregator will continue to use 1 Jan, because it has already been changed from the previous default of 1 Oct.

Figure 2. Project Options, Result Manager Options

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Unit Preferences

Here you can configure the default display units used in Source. On the Category Defaults tab, model properties have been grouped logically into categories (Figure 3, Table 1), allowing you to set different unit preferences for each category. For example, you can choose different preferences for rainfall and depth, although they both use the same dimension of length. The available categories are and their system defaults are listed in Table 1. On the Defaults tab, you can configure the defaults used for properties not associated with any category (Figure 4). The available properties and their system defaults are listed in Table 2.

Figure 3. Unit Preferences, Category defaults


Table 1. Unit Preferences, Category defaults


System default
Crop areahectare (ha)
Depletionmillimetres (mm)
Depth and elevationmetres (m)
Extraction or demand ratemegalitres per day (ML/d)
Extraction or demand volumemegalitres (ML)
Flow ratemegalitres per day (ML/d)
Flow volumemegalitres (ML)
Moisturemillimetres (mm)
Rainfall and evaporation depthmillimetres (mm)
Rainfall and evaporation ratemillimetres per day (mm/d)
River lengthkilometres (km)
Storage/Wetland volumemegalitres (ML)
Water surface area (storage/wetland or river reach area)square kilometres (km2)


Table 2. Unit Preferences, Defaults not in a category

Property dimensions

System default
Currencydollars ($)
Dimensionlessno unit selected (None)
Dimensionless Constantpercent (%)
Lengthmetres (m)
Length−1kilometres per square kilometre (km/km2)
Length−1.Currencydollars per metre ($/m)
Length1.Masstonnes per kilometre (t/m)
Length.Time1millimetres per day (mm/d)
Length2hectare (ha)
Length2.Currencydollars per square metre ($/m2)
Length2.Masstonnes per hectare (t/ha)
Length2.Time1metres squared per day (m2/d)
Length3megalitres (ML)
Length3.Currencydollars per cubic metre ($/m3)
Length3.Massmilligrams per litre (mg/L)
Length3.Time−1millimetres per day (mm/d)
Masskilograms (kg)
Mass−1.Currencydollars per tonne ($/t)
Mass.Time−1kilograms per day (kg/d)
Timeday (d)
Time−1.Currencydollars per year ($/y)
Time −1.Mass.Length−1tonnes per kilometre per year (t/km/y)
Time −1.Mass.Length−2tonnes per square kilometre per year (t/km2/y)
Time −3.Mass.Length2kilowatt (kW)
Time −4.Mass.Length2kilowatt hours (kWh)