Main screen
Once open, you can see that MUSIC X follows the user interface conventions of a standard Microsoft Windows™ application (as shown in below Figure). For example:
- The main window can be maximized or minimized using controls at the right hand end of the title bar;
- A menu bar with familiar File, View and Help menus. Additional menus direct you to more specific functions of MUSIC X; and
- Toolbars providing point-and-click access to many commands.
The following toolbars (available from the main MUSIC X screen) allow you direct access to various sections of MUSIC X:
- Data Sources toolbar - allows you to add and manage sources of data (time series or by linking to another scenario). You can edit or view this data once it has been loaded in the Data Sources Explorer;
- File toolbar - allows you to create a new project, opening an existing project, and saving a project (and all the scenarios within that project);
- Project toolbar - allows you to toggle view of the Project Explorer, Recording Manager, Log Reporter and Chart Recording Manager;
- Recording Manager toolbar - allows you to manage results in the Recording Manager;
- Scenario toolbar - allows you to hide or display the Schematic Editor, Data Sources, and the Node Palette panels; and
- Simulation toolbar - allows you to set the MUSIC X Configuration by specifying the climate data (Rainfall and Potential Evapotranspiration).