User Interface

User Interface

Main screen

Once open, you can see that MUSICX follows the user interface conventions of a standard Microsoft Windows™ application (as shown in below Figure). For example:

  • The main window can be maximized or minimized using controls at the right hand end of the title bar;
  • A menu bar with familiar FileView and Help menus. Additional menus direct you to more specific functions of MUSICX; and
  • Toolbars providing point-and-click access to many commands.

The following toolbars (available from the main MUSICX screen) allow you direct access to various sections of MUSICX:

  • Data Sources toolbar - allows you to add and manage sources of data (time series or by linking to another scenario). You can edit or view this data once it has been loaded in the Data Sources Explorer;
  • File toolbar - allows you to create a new project, opening an existing project, and saving a project (and all the scenarios within that project);
  • Project toolbar - allows you to toggle view of the Project ExplorerRecording ManagerLog Reporter and Chart Recording Manager;
  • Recording Manager toolbar - allows you to manage results in the Recording Manager;
  • Scenario toolbar - allows you to hide or display the Schematic Editor, Data Sources, and the Node Palette panels; and
  • Simulation toolbar - allows you to set the MUSICX Configuration by specifying the climate data (Rainfall and Potential Evapotranspiration).

Quitting MUSICX

You can quit MUSICX by doing either of the following:

  • Choose File » Exit...; or
  • Press Alt+F4 on your keyboard.

Projects and scenarios

MUSICX model consists of two parts - a project and one or more scenarios. A project is a collection of one or more scenarios. It identifies the project name (also the file name), description, and any scenarios associated with the project. You can only have one project file open at a time.

Creating a new project

To create a new project, do one of the following:

  • Choose File » New » Project...;
  • Click New Scenario on the File toolbar; or
  • Press Ctrl+N on your keyboard.

You can only have one project file open at a time. Do not try to open the same project file using more than one copy of MUSICX because you may lose your work.

In the resulting window (Figure below), enter the following:

  • The scenario name. Once again, provide a meaningful name or accept the default. All the scenarios in a project must have unique names;
  • Choose the desired kind of scenario (MUSICX, MUSIC-link and MUSICX - MSF Importer); and
  • Click OK.

Saving a project

To save an open project, choose File » Save. This saves a project file with the extension *.mxproj.  If it is the first time you are saving your project, the Save As dialog opens and gives you the opportunity to choose the location and name of your project file. By default, the name of the file is the name of your project. If you wish to save a different version of your file, choose File » Save As... 

Closing an open project

To close an open project, choose File » Close project. This closes the current project and prompts to save your work  as shown in below Figure. Click the appropriate button.

Opening an existing project

To open an existing project, either:

  • Choose File » Open Projector
  • Click Open Project on the File toolbar.

This opens the standard Windows™ open dialog  as shown in Figure below. Note that opening a new project prompts you to save any open project.

Copying projects

You can duplicate existing projects by copying them. In your local machine's File Explorer, select the desired project, right-click and choose Copy. In the target location, right-click and choose Paste.

Components of the main screen

Project Explorer

The Project Explorer (Figure below) allows you to manage model components using a combination of the menu bar, the Project Hierarchy, the Model Parameters area, and pop-up menus. For an active scenario, clicking an item in the Editor highlights it in the Project Hierarchy.

Model parameters

The Model Parameters area (as shown in above Figure) shows which parameters will be recorded for the scenario element (node, link etc) that is currently highlighted in the Project Hierarchy. The indicators have the following meanings:

  •   Every parameter at this level and below will be recorded; 
  •   No parameters at this level and below will be recorded;
  •   Some (but not all) parameters at this level and below will be recorded.

To change which parameters are recorded, first select an element in either the Project Hierarchy or Model Parameters area, then use either the Recording Options pop-up menu on the Project Explorer toolbar, or the contextual menu to change the setting. Note that these commands are hierarchical in nature and affect both the selected element and its logical children as displayed in the visual hierarchy.

Data Sources

The Data Sources tab allows you to view and manage time series at one location in MUSICX. When time series are added using the Data Sources Explorer, they are available for use throughout MUSICX. For more details on using this, refer to input data.

Node Palette

The Node Palette contains a list of icons representing the nodes that are supported by MUSICX. To create a node-link network, drag icons from this palette onto the Schematic Editor’s drawing surface.

Recording Manager

The Recording Manager displays a list of all the recorded results from the model run or runs. Each model run has its own tab. You can sort the results by clicking the column headings. The associated with this window gives quick access to common functions.

Log Reporter

The Log Reporter displays any errors, warnings or information messages resulting from user actions, or events that have occurred when running a scenario. You can choose to display or hide different types of events by clicking the Errors, Warnings, or Info tabs at the bottom of the Log Reporter.

Chart Recording

Chart Recording allows you to compare the results of different scenario runs. You can change certain parameters in a scenario to see how the output is affected. 

Working with the MUSICX window

Just as with standard Microsoft applications, you can adjust panels within the MUSICX window. This provides great flexibility when working with very large models.

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