To ensure maximum use of the available water resource, you can transfer water ownership amongst owners. If one or more owners has surplus capacity or water, they can lend this to owners with a deficit using Borrow and Payback systems. If multiple owners need to borrow, and there is insufficient water or capacity to meet their combined requirement, a configured Distribution system is used to determine priority of access.
Borrow and payback
In a distribution system, borrow records the trading of water from owners with surplus to those with deficit. Water borrowing can occur at any node where there is a loss or gain, and results in the ownership of the borrowed water being transferred from the lender. An exchange of water, indicates that when an owner borrows water, they need to pay it back to the owner they borrowed it from. This is referred to as payback, which occurs when water that was lent to a particular owner is paid back to its original owner. Borrowing owners may payback their debt by transferring their water to the other owner, either in a specified payback storage or indirectly via Resource Assessment Systems
When ownership is enabled, a river model consists of owners that have a share of the total available water (resource). .
Note Payback can only occur when the borrowing owner has water within the relevant system (the ownership system or a storage) to transfer to the lending owner.
This borrow and payback occurs from and to a storage, which forms parts of the ownership system. Both borrow and payback occur in order based on priority levels. An owner’s debts at the highest priority level must be paid back before the next priority level is considered. Payback within a priority level is proportional, ie. owners with a debt will pay back the debt to another owner in proportion to the other owner’s share of the owner’s total debt at the priority level.
There are two types of borrow and payback systems:
- A single global borrow and payback system that contains one or more member storages (Figure 123). Payback can occur anywhere in the river network covered by the ownership system. In this system, every owner is able to share with other owners. By default, all borrow and payback systems created are global systems; and
- Zero or more local borrow and payback systems, each associated with a single member storage and both borrow and payback must occur at the same storage. The storage cannot be a member of any other borrow and payback system (including global systems).
Each storage that falls within a scenario’s ownership system can only be a member of one borrow and payback system, but where there is reconciliation/payback at a storage for the global system, a local system storage must be used. Note that by default, a storage is part of a global system. For both systems, the amount of borrow from individual owners is limited by system capacity.
Figure 123. Defining Priorities (Example)
Borrow and payback with resource assessment
Borrowing owners may payback their debt by transferring their water to the other owner, either in a specified payback storage (System) or indirectly via Resource Assessment Systems (Payback Storage). Figure 121 shows where to configure this. The former indicates the storage where debts in the borrow and payback system are paid back or reconciled, whereas the latter refers to the resource assessment system that is linked to the ownership system. Use the drop down menu to choose the appropriate storage node. A similar window is available for a local borrow and payback system (Figure 122).
Figure 121. Global Borrow and Payback
Click Add Initial borrow to specify any borrows that occur at the start of the scenario run.
Distribution Systems
A distribution system is one where owners with surplus water share their allocated percentage with owners that cannot meet their requirements. Distribution Rulessystems define how this resource can be shared amongst owners using priority levels and ratios. The proportion that is distributed is determined as follows:
- Owners with a surplus will share their surplus in proportion to their share of the total surplus; and
- Owners with a deficit will receive surpluses in proportion to their share of the total deficit.
The following apply to distribution rules systems in Source:
- Ownership must be enabled prior to defining adding distribution rulessystems. This creates a ‘Default Distribution’ rule Default Distribution System (shown in Figure 78124) with a priority level of 1, which can be renamed, but not deleted;
- They have global scope. In other words, they are applicable throughout Source.Rules can be imported and exported using the buttons shown in Figure 79;
- They specify both the water recipient (priority levels) and proportion (ratios) of water the recipient will receive;; and
- They do not define when (time) or how fast (flow rate) the recipient will receive water; andOnce defined, they must be applied to the relevant node.
Priority Levels
Priority levels determine the order of distribution amongst owners that require water, which occurs from highest to lowest. Surpluses must fully meet requirements (deficits) at a higher priority level before the next lower priority level is considered. In other words, they will always be executed for each owner at priority level 1, then priority level 2, and so on. Also note the following:
- The maximum number of priority levels must be one less than the number of owners. If there are 6 owners, there can only be 5 permissible priority levels; and
- If a distribution rule is operating in priority 1 and an owner cannot receive the entire distribution allocated, the rule will move onto priority 2, and so on for the lower priority levels. Consider owners A, B, C, and D, each operating at priority levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. Now, assume that A gives its spare capacity to B. However, B does not require the entire allocation. Then, A can choose to give the remainder to C, before D.
An example of a priority level description is shown in Figure 78.
Defining Priorities (Example)
Distribution Ratios
Distribution Ratios specify the proportion of surplus water that will be distributed to other owners. 123.
Note An owner may distribute some or all of their water to one or several owners in varying proportions. The total amount of water, including that not distributed, must at all times, remain at but never exceed 100%. Figure 81 shows the error appearing when this criterion is not met.
Distribution Rules (Default Distribution)
Configuration in Source
Choose > Distribution Rules to open the Distribution Rules dialog shown in Figure 79. Note that the table shows the distribution ratio for each owner. Initially, this is 0% for all except the default owner (Unassigned Water), who is assigned 100%. Ownership Setup dialog. Ensure ownership has been enabled (refer Ownership Systems).To add a new distribution
rule:Right click below Default Distributionsystem, right click Distribution Systems and choose
AddAdd Distribution System (Figure
;. You can
specify the distribution ratios in several ways:Distribution Rules (Add new rule)
The rules can be viewed in two different ways using the Owner View tab and the Execution Order View tab. These are described next.
Owner View
In this tab, you can specify which owner has a surplus (using the list of owners drop down menu) and assign the distribution ratio for all the other owners. This can be done for each priority level. Figure 81 shows the surplus owner as Frank Singsalot. Priority levels 1 and 2 have equally assigned ratios among the other owners. Priority level 3 has only two owners with assigned surplus water.
Distribution Rules (Total share exceeding 100%)
Execution Order View
The tab displays the distribution rule in a different format. Each row shows the distribution ratio for all the owners, with the first column showing the surplus owner. For example, the third row in Figure 82 shows that Rita Hayless is the surplus owner, and water has been distributed evenly among the other owners. You can view this for a particular priority level.
Distribution Rules (Execution Order View)
Borrow and payback
In a distribution system, borrow records the trading of water from owners with surplus to those with deficit. On the other hand, payback occurs when the water that was lent to a particular owner is paid back to its original owner. This borrow and payback amongst users is recorded in Source in the form of the Borrow-Payback Balance (Figure 83) table, which can be accessed by choosing .
Borrow and Payback
Distribution rules in nodes
You can apply distribution rules to any node where there is a loss or gain from the river. These include:
- Inflow;
- Hydraulic connector;
- Link;
- Loss;
- Supply point;
- Splitter;
- Storage; and
- Transfer ownership.
also rename or delete a distribution system using the contextual menu, as shown in Figure 124.
The table specifies the list of owners that share water at each priority level. Click Add Priority Level to add additional priority levels and tick or untick the relevant checkbox to add or remove an owner from a priority level. One owner can be part of several priority levels.
To view the results of distributed water, as well as that borrowed and paid back, enable recording of the Ownership and Borrow and Payback attributes under Parameters in the Project Explorer. After configuring and running the scenario, click View Results in the Recording Manager to open the Ownership Results dialog (Figure 125).
Figure 125. Borrow-payback balance (at a time-step)
This window shows all the ownership systems present in the scenario, along with the borrow-payback systems that are part of the ownership system. It shows the borrow and payback balances amongst owners at a particular time-step (as a table in the Current Balances tab or a time series in the Timeseries Data tab). You can also use the date-picker above the time scroll to change the date. The Total column shows the overall balances for each owner at that time-step. Payback occurs from an owner that has a negative balance to another owner with a postive balance.
In the example shown in Figure 125 , Owners 2 and 3 have borrowed 30ML and 50ML from Owner 1 respectively. The Total column indicates that Owner 1 must receive a a total of 80ML, whereas Owners 2 and 3 must pay back a total of 30ML and 50ML respectively. These numbers represent the balances for the first time-step in the model.
Figure 126 shows the borrow-payback balances for all three owners as a time series. The graph can be separated into three distinct segments:
Figure 126. Borrow-payback balance (as a timeseries)
- Upto 11/10/2009: Owners 2 and 3 borrow from Owner 1. The graph shows the balance of Owner 1 increasing in this period (he is owed water from the other owners), whereas the other two owners show a fall;
- 12/10/2009: Owner 3 pays back their share of the outstanding balance to Owner 1. This is represented by the increase in balance for Owner 3 and the corresponding decrease for Owner 1; and
- 13/10/2009 onwards: Owners 2 and 3 continue to borrow from Owner 1 in proportion to their storage volume. However, Owner 3 also pays back water to Owner 1, hence the increase in balance for Owner 3. Owner 2 may not have any storage capacity allocated to it, hence is unable to payback.