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OwnerThis lists all the owners that have been configured using the Ownership Setup dialog (refer to Ownership in Source)
Debit TypeDetermines how water is deducted from all accounts associated with this continuous accounting system; based on either order or extractions.
Start of Water YearDay-month that the water year starts.
Usage to dateRepresents how much of the water allocated has been ordered or used by water users in the water year to date. There are two options available - Usage From Function and Usage From Account Host. When losses need to be considered, an expression may be required to account for this.
StoragesLists all the water storages in the project. Tick any storage you want to use.

Lists all the inflow in the project. Just like the storages, tick any inflow you want to run in this project. The recession factor of each inflow can be changed using the corresponding Function Editor.

Other ResourcesRepresents inflows from tributaries or headwaters.
CommitmentsThese are the unused supplement of water accounts. Commitments used to represent for carryover, forecast losses, or reserves. Examples include the minimum storage level, or an environment carryover account.


This tab provides a summary of all the accounts in the annual accounting system. As shown in Figure 2, you can add or delete accounts using the corresponding buttons below the Accounts table. Each of the parameters in the Accounts table is explained in Table 2.


NameName of the account.
Account hostNode that the account is associated with.
Account typeType of account. This is configured under the hierarchical item Account Type.
Unit sharesFurther explanationNumber of unit shares assigned to the account.
Initial balanceThe initial account balance. If you are going to use the initial account function, you need to ensure that there is sufficient water in storages to cover the total initial balances as well as the required reserves and TOL balance. If the initial balances are set too high a warning message will be generated and the results may not follow the required logic.


The Allocation tab shows how resources are distributed, along with the proportion that is carried over. Configuration of the Resource and Rural columns depends on the how the Account type has been configured, in particular the Method to apply for this account type in ARA table parameter. Figure 4 shows how the Rural column changes with the ARA table chnages with this

varying parameter. Additionally, the ARA table will display as the variations shown in Table 3.

Figure 4. Annual accounting, Allocation tab

Resource - water available in the system

Carryover - how much water is carried over to the next water year

Last column represented the account type

Table 3. Annual accounting, Allocation, Variations
Menu optionResulting variation
Percent (with linked volume)The Account Type Rural column can be edited directly on the table. The Resource column is calculated automatically based on the percentage . Unclear
FunctionThe Resource column is calculated based on the function specified at the Account or Account Type level (Table 5).
Monthly-varyingHere, you must set the date for resource calculations. Click the number below the Account Type name, the monthly varying window will display as in Figure . You can set the resource of each monthly manually or by import or export data using the corresponding buttons. If interpolate is chosen for calculation method, the Resource of the first column will calculated automatically based on current and next month values. More details about interpolate can be found in SRG. If Threshold is chosen, Resource of the first column will get value automatically form current month. Unclear
Percent (with function)Function below the account type is editable because functions of this method cannot be set at a lower level.
Volumetricthe account type has a unit of (ML) and the rural column can be editable by typing number directly to the table. Then the value in Resourcecolumn is equal to that in Account Type column. Unclear


Note: Trigger must be configured before prioritising them (refer to Adding a trigger to an account type for defining a trigger).

Further explanation required

Figure 5. Annual accounting, Priority Trigger


This tab allows you to work with Non-debit accounts. Enable the Enable Non-Debit Accounts checkbox, which allows you to edit the remaining parameters (as shown in Figure 7). Definition of other . These are:

  • Availability Threshold - The allocation level at which the water user gets access to the account;
  • Repayment Threshold - The allocation level at which repayments need to be made. As the water user approaches its maximum allocation, repayments need to be made;
  • Carry-Over Discount - A discount implemented on the water that is carried over to the following water year. Note that this applies only when Murrumbidgee is chosen as the Balance Calc Method; and
  • Balance Calc Method - choose either Murray or Murrumbidgee. This will affect the value assigned to the first two parameters.
Figure 7. Annual accounting, Account type, Non-Debit Accounts
