Modelling water ownership throughout river systems allows you to determine how much water a particular owner has and where it is currently located. The transfer ownership node has two main functions in ownership systems:
To manage the transfer of flow between owners in the same at a given point in an ownership system; andor
To manage act as a boundary between adjacent ownership systems by managing the transfer of orders and flow at the boundary where two ownership systems meet.
Once ownership has been enabled for a scenario, the Transfer Ownership Node can be setup to determine how water downstream of the node will be shared. It can be configured as either a:
Boundary node - marks ownership system boundaries and transfers 100% of flow from upstream to the downstream owners. Orders may or may not be allowed to pass over upstream through the boundary, the modeller determines whether this occurs for each downstream owner. Where a downstream owner’s orders are to ‘cross the boundary’, 100% of the total order must be passed upstream. The modeller will determine the percentage of the downstream owner’s total order to transfer to each upstream owner. Note that the same an upstream owner may receive orders from multiple downstream owners; or
In-System Node - allows you to specify a transfer of flow ownership between owners at a particular location to reflect regulatory requirements that could operate under certain conditions. For example, an owner may receive additional flow over summer, or when there is flow above a given threshold. As regulatory requirements vary between jurisdictions and may change over time, you can define expressions to represent the conditions of flow transfer.