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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3



To create a default operations scenario in Source:  

  • First, create a manager scenario; 
  • Choose Tools » River Operations to open the River Operations dialog (Figure 1); and
  • Click on the slider below Operations Mode to ON.  

Once you have created forecast models, you can disable operations, but retain these models or overrides using the buttons under Operations Data. The first two buttons in this dialog deal with removing input data, whereas the third one deletes all output data that was created for the forecast models. To clear all operations related data (input, output as a well as overrides), click Clear ALL Operations Data.

Figure 1. River Operations


To trend from "today" to the monthly average, enable the Trend to Value at Rate checkbox and enter a trend rate which is a real number greater than zero but less than one. The observed daily flow rate for the previous month and the number of days of the current month are used to determine the initial flow volume.


The results of executing one or more forecast scenarios can be viewed using the Recording Manager or the tabular editor (to view and override individual values). Ensure that you enabled recording for the parameter that you are forecasting. For example, to forecast flow, enable recording of the Inflow attribute in the Recording Manager. Figure 5 shows an example of the output of a forecasted model. This forecasting scenario consists of two forecast models. A Trend forecast model is run for the first 10 time-steps and the reamining remaining time-steps have a Function forecast model configured.
