Versions Compared


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  • Focus has been on tech audit and incorporating the FarmDams plugin functionality in core Source
  • Various enhancements and bug fixes
    • change Functional Unit names
    • assign minimum and maximum pond levels through scenario input sets

FarmDams plugin in Source

This formed a major part of the time to this release. The FarmDams plugin functionality is now available as part of core Source. This includes:

  • Two new node types added to the node palette:
    • Onstream Farm Dam
    • Farm Dam Observation Point (retained for backwards compatibility)

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  • Bulk change of node types, from the Geographic Editor, allows the user to change multiple nodes to a new node type based on locations specified in a shapefile

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This makes it possible for farm dam models to be built in the Geographic Wizard without loading the plugin. It also ensures ongoing maintenance of the functionality. Backwards compatibility with older farm dam models is maintained so that models previously created using the plugin can be imported into the latest Source version. However, older models using the FarmDams plugin must be brought up to Source version 5.20 before being imported to the plugin-free version.

Enhancements &. Bug Fixes

Some other smaller enhancements and bug fixes are:

  • users can now delete or rename Functional Units

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  • assign minimum and maximum pond levels through scenario input sets
  • long term maintenance of the software remains important:
    • audit of technologies used, including supporting and 3rd party technologies as well as core technologies 
    • technology risk assessment is ongoing

Regression Testing

There is no tolerance in our regression test suite to allow for earlier identification of results being different on different machines or versions of operating systems. 

See: /wiki/spaces/SC/pages/51651900

Full Release Documentation


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jqlQueryfixVersion in (5.21beta) order by issuetype