Source 2014 presentations & attendees

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Plenary Speakers

The Hon. Craig Knowles (MDBA Chair)

Governance challenges in trans-boundary river basins:
The MDB example

Ashvin Gosain (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi)

 Cleaning up the Ganga and the role of an independent
scientific voice

Robert Carr (Deactivated) (eWater Fellow and Chair Crawford Fund)

Evidence based decision making for water resources in Asia (1,777kb)

Robert Carr (Deactivated) (Deputy CEO, eWater)

Source and Toolkit – The rationale behind Australia’s modelling offer (presentation N/A)

gary.jones (Unlicensed) (Chief Executive, eWater)

Panel Discussion

Event photo gallery

View gallery on our Facebook page




Data and Reporting

Robert Carr (Deactivated) and Juanita Moolman (eWater)

 Xedon River Basin (Lao PDR) – Modelling and Data for Water Management (787kb) 

Nick Marsh (Unlicensed) (Truii)

  Calibration data wrangling and delivery of model results (1,250kb)


Nick Marsh (Unlicensed) (Head of the IFD Revision Project)

 Calibration data wrangling and delivery of model results (3,589kb - permission pending)

River Systems Modelling

Nick Marsh (Unlicensed) (CSIRO)

  Implementing Pakistan water sharing in Source (1,083kb)

Chas Egan (DES) (Unlicensed) (DSITIA)

  Calibrating Queensland catchments (1,083kb)


Chas Egan (DES) (Unlicensed) (MDBA)

  Source & FEWS for operating the Murray (432kb)

Panel: Challenges and Opportunities in using Models to inform Policy and Practice

 Joel Hall
Assistant Secretary, Water Resources
Branch, Dept of the Environment

Joel HallDirector, Water Systems, NSW Office of Water

Joel_Hall.jpgJoel Hall (WA Dept of Water)
Senior Environmental Modeller, WA Department of

Joel HallHead, Integrated Catchment Assessment & Management Centre, Australian National University

Technology Showcase

Geoff Davis (Head of Software, eWater)

  Recent changes in Source and what’s coming up! (97kb)

DavidP (CSIRO)

CSIRO’s Source calibration on the cloud

Andrew Herron (Jacobs, formerly SKM)

 Interactive plugins and programs to answer client’s questions (634kb - permission pending)

Joel Rahman (Flow Matters)

   Applying a Veneer to your Source model (10,021kb)

eWater Community

Meryl McKerrow (eWater)

  The online eWater Community: enhancing modelling workflows through online collaboration & shared resources (1,795kb)



Catchments Quantity and Quality Modelling


Tony Weber (BMT WBM) & Karla Vaughan (Unlicensed) (SEQ Water)

 Implementing Source in SEQ Water catchments (1,599kb)

Karl Hennig (WA Dept of Water)

  Avon Basin hydrological and nutrient modelling (3,108kb)

Lydia Cetin (Unlicensed) (Jacobs, formerly SKM)

Exploring water allocation and setting of nutrient limits in New Zealand

Lydia Cetin (Unlicensed) (SA DEWNR)

 Hydrological modelling in arid, data sparse environments: Two case studies from the Lake Eyre Basin (4,459kb - permission pending)


Groundwater, Environmental Water, Urban Systems


Joel Hall (WA Dept of Water)

  Using Source to estimate groundwater recharge from losing river reaches on the Nth Gnangara mound, WA (788kb)


Sue Powell (Unlicensed) (Uni Canberra)

  Integrating river management, consumptive use and ecological response models to optimise environmental flows (1,092kb)

jakinkale.ravalico (Unlicensed) (Melbourne Water) & Former user (Deleted) (Jacobs, formerly SKM)

  Incorporating environmental flows: A daily model of the Melbourne headworks system (1,143kb)


Former user (Deleted) (CSIRO)

 How Source can be used to inform integrated water cycle planning in cities: Metro Adelaide case study (839kb)

Former user (Deleted) (Power and Water Corp.)

Darwin Water Supply Modelling (652kb)



Modelling Souk

BMT WBM and Flow Matters
Web Delivery of Source Models and Results

Tony Weber (BMT WBM)

Tony Weber (Flow Matters)

WA Department of Water

Avon Basin Nutrient Model


Tony Weber (WA Dept of Water)

Data for Dummies

Robert Bridgart 

Power and Water Corporation
Darwin Region Water Source Modelling

David Waters

University of Canberra
Ecological Optimisation


parranz (Unlicensed)

Source Calibration Service

j.alam j.alam
Melanie Stamell

National Hydrological Modelling Platform

Melanie Stamell

eWater Community

Joel Hall

Source Development and Plugins

Geoff Davis

Geoff Davis