3.8.5 - Beta Release (October 2014)

(warning) You need to use the Right mouse button click to drag (for now)

  • Annual Accounting changes
  • GUI Scenario diff tool (within Source Tools > Diff.. and as an external tool RiverSystem.ScenarioDiff.exe) See more: /wiki/spaces/SD41/pages/25822121,  RM-12312 - Getting issue details... STATUS   RM-12998 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • New plugin management (Tools > Plugin Manager)
    • Allows you to download plugins from online 
    • Prevents versioning mistakes
    • Auto loads plugins for each version upgrade
  • Google maps style view of scenarios (View > Map first cut)
    • Handles schematic scenarios for allocating Lat/ Long coordinates to nodes
    • Needs to handle projection before particularly useful for Catchments scenarios:  RM-13179 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Doesn't show links:  RM-13215 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Groundwater on links improvements and new user interface
  • New Chart which should be everywhere the old chart was (first cut that is getting more work done on it at the moment): /wiki/spaces/SC/pages/51644826


Coming soon:

  • More chart improvements
  • New groundwater model


Regression Testing

Regression Test Matrix: 3.8.5 Regression Test Matrix.zip

Regression test repository changes since Source 3.8.4beta:

(info) 15 projects edited

(warning) 1 project results changed

(plus) 0 projects added

Details available here: 3.8.5 Regression Test Changes



To run Insight you also need to install the 32bit version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package.
This is for both 32bit machines and 64bit machines since the library we use is 32bit: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86).

Existing Issues

  • Copy & paste functionality does not copy expressions or Data Sources.
  • Can now add constituents to a catchments model.  Save and re-load project  - it will not be able to run straight away.

Release Documentation

type key status summary assignee reporter