Environmental Flow Recorders

Environmental Flow Recorders

Environmental Flow Node

Source has many standard recorders for flow nodes, which can also be reported for the Environmental Flow Node. The environmental flow node has a standard set of node recorders that are common across all Source nodes as well as specialist recorders are then present for Spell-Based Actions. 

Recorders for Spell-Based Actions

Some recorders will behave differently once the spell observer is enabled for an Action, and certain recorders are replaced with observer-specific recorders. The Action recorders, which no longer return sensible values once the spell observer is enabled, will return NaN (Not a Number). The table below lists the recorders, their description, and the behaviour when the Spell Observer is enabled.

Action RecorderDescription without Sepll Observer enabledDescription with Spell Observer enabled
Antecedent Condition

Condition score for the action. This is a value between 0 (poor) and 1 (good). If the Override Condition checkbox is enabled, this recorder will return the result of the Override Condition.

With the spell observer enabled, "Time since last successful season" is determined by the spell observer.
Average Recurrence Interval

Based on Desired Frequency. For example, Desired Frequency is 2 in 3 years, the Average Return Interval is 3/2 = 1.5 (x365 days) = 547.5 days.

Consecutive successful time steps in current spellCounts the number of consecutive successful timesteps in a spell.Returns Nan.  This has been replaced by "Observer - Consecutive Successful TimeSteps In Current Spell"
Cumulative Spell ShortfallRecords the difference between the Cumulative Spell Target Volume and the Cumulative Spell Volume (actual). This is used to track success based on volume.Returns Nan as ordering has been separated from observation.
Current Season Cost EstimateThis is the default cost estimate for the action. The cost is based on the full requirement, not taking into account any estimate of expected flow.
Fall Phase Volume ExpectedFall phase volume ordered during a spellThis returns "NaN" with the spell observer enabled.
Fall Phase Volume ReceivedFall phase volume delivered during a spellThis returns "NaN" with the spell observer enabled. 
Full Requirement (Tracking)

Full Requirement (Tracking) The required flow for an action, i.e. the targeted flow, including rise and fall. The following applies to the Full Requirement:

  • It is calculated based on the information available at the node
  • It is calculated even when an action does not “allow orders”
  • Where a spell is unsuccessful, the full requirement will stop when the Time in Current Spell stops and there will be no fall calculated.
  • When the node is connected to the manager:
    • It calculates the water required based on the trigger and the seasonality and includes rate of rise and fall for every season, independent of the return interval
  • When the node is not connected to the manager:
    • It calculates (same as above) but takes into account the return interval and will not generate a Full Requirement before the return interval is up.
This returns "NaN" with the spell observer enabled.
Full Requirement (Managed Spells)As the recorder above, it includes the requirement for ordered actions only.
Minimum flow required for successThe required minimum flow is the flow that needs to be achieved to call an event a success. It is calculated by multiplying the Target flow rate (from the Spell definition screen) with the Proportion of the required flow target (from the Success Criteria screen).

This returns "NaN" with the spell observer enabled.

This has been replaced by "Observer - Minimum Flow Required For Success"

Number of Spells Completed in SeasonThe number of spells that were completed in a season.   A spell is considered complete once it completes the rise-target-fall pattern or has failed to meet its success criteria, and stopping failed actions is enabled. The counter is reset at the end of the action's season.
Number of Spells Started in SeasonThe number of times a spells within the required season.  This includes ordered spells, natural spells, and successful and unsuccessful spells. This includes completed spells and spells that started but were stopped when they could not be successfully completed within the season. The counter is reset once the season is finished. 
Number of Successful Spells Completed in SeasonThe number of spells this season that are successful. A spell is deemed successful if the delivered volume meets the requirements specified by the action's success criteria. This includes both ordered and natural spells. The counter is reset at the end of the action's season.

This returns "NaN" with the spell observer enabled.

This has been replaced by "Observer - Number Of Successful Spells Completed In Season"

Observer - Antecedent Condition

This recorder returns NaN when the Spell Observer is not enabled.

This records Antecedent Condition based on the observer success criteria.  This is a value between 0 (poor) and 1 (good). If the Override Condition checkbox is enabled, this recorder will return the result of the Override Condition.

Returns the same value as the Antecedent Condition

Observer - Consecutive Successful TimeSteps In Current Spell

This recorder returns NaN when the Spell Observer is not enabled.

This recorder counts the number of days from when you exceed the “Start target for observation” until you drop below the “End target for observation”.
Observer - Cumulative Spell Volume

This recorder returns NaN when the Spell Observer is not enabled.

This recorder sums the volume of water on days when the flow is above the “Start target for observation” until the event ends (based on the Spell Observer >> Spell End Criteria).
Observer - Minimum Flow Required For Success

This recorder returns NaN when the Spell Observer is not enabled.

This is the minimum flow that needs to be exceeded for an event to start.  This is calculated by multiplying the "Start target for observation" by the "Proportion Required: Target" from the Spell Observer screen.
Observer - Number Of Successful Spells Completed In Season

This recorder returns NaN when the Spell Observer is not enabled.

Counts the number of Successful Spells completed in the season. A spell starts when the Minimum Flow Required For Success is exceeded and ends when the Spell Observer >> Spell End Criteria has been met.
Observer – Spell Observer Recorder

This recorder returns NaN when the Spell Observer is not enabled.

This list both successful, and failed observed spells that occurred during each season in your model run. For each event, it provides a graph showing Start Threshold Flow, End Threshold Flow, and Flow Volume over the event period. This also details the Season, Spell Number, Spell Start Date, Spell Successful Date, Last Successful Time Step Date, Spell End Date, Successful Time Steps, and Total Volume.

This recorder returns NaN when the Spell Observer is not enabled.

Observer - Successful TimeSteps In Current Spell

This recorder returns NaN when the Spell Observer is not enabled.

Returns a count of timesteps where the flow exceeds “Start target for observation” until the Spell Observer -> Spell End Criteria has been met.
Observer - Time In Current Spell

This recorder returns NaN when the Spell Observer is not enabled.

Counts the timesteps from when the “Start target for observation” is first exceeded until the Spell Observer -> Spell End Criteria has been met.
Observer - Time Since Last Successful Spell

This recorder returns NaN when the Spell Observer is not enabled.

Counts the timesteps after Spell Observer -> Spell End Criteria has been met. Resets to zero when the minimum duration above the "Observer - Minimum Flow Required For Success" is exceeded.
Observer - Time Since Minimum Duration Is Met

This recorder returns NaN when the Spell Observer is not enabled.

Counts the number of timesteps after the minimum duration above the "Observer - Minimum Flow Required For Success" is exceeded. Resets to zero the next time the minimum duration above the "Observer - Minimum Flow Required For Success" is exceeded.
Residual Requirement

This is the order the environmental flow node would have to place on top of the downstream order to reach the full requirement.

The full requirement is reduced based on downstream orders, minimum upstream constraints and other higher-priority actions (when the EFM is enabled).

When the upstream minimum constraint exceeds the full requirement, the EFN will not place an order (i.e., the residual requirement would be zero). The requirement is calculated during the order phase.

When the EFM is enabled, the Residual Requirement is not restricted by account balances or limited by available water in accounts. 

Spell ExtentionRecorder flags days when spell ordering was extended
Spell Recorder

This provides a list of natural, ordered, successful, and failed spells.

For each spell, it provides a graph with Target Flow, Downstream Orders, Min Upstream Constraints, Node Orders, and Downstream Flow during the spell period.

This also details the Season, Spell Number, whether the spell was successful, Successful time steps and Total Volume. 

When Spell Observer is enabled, this is disabled. You need to view the Observer – Spell Observer Recorder.
Successful time steps in current spell

During a spell, this records the number of time steps with a flow rate within the specified proportion of the target flow required to mark success.

If "End spell if it will fail" is not selected, the count of successful time steps in the current spell will remain at the same value until either the next time step that meets the success criteria or the end of the current spell, whichever occurs first.

If "End spell if it will fail" is selected, the count of successful time steps in the current spell will continue to increase until the success criteria are not met.

If the spell fails before the end of the spell, the maximum count of successful time steps is recorded twice, indicating that the time step following the maximum has not changed. In both cases, the spell counter is reset to zero at the end of the spell. For example, if the target flow is 10,000 ML/d and an 80% proportion was specified as required for success (see Success Criteria), then all days with flow >= 8,000ML/d are recorded as successful days. 

Reports NaN. This is replaced with “Observer - Successful Time Steps In Current Spell”.
Time in current spellCount the number of time steps since the spell started. This is used in combination with the Successful time steps in current spell to determine success against the duration criterion.
Time since Last Successful Season

A time step counter starts after the successful spell that defines the end of a successful season. The recorder is not reset until the end of the season but will reset to the number of days since the last successful spell (and hence may not reset to zero).

If spell extension is enabled, the counter will be set to zero when the spell's minimum duration has been reached and remains zero until the extended spell is finished.

Uses the observer to determine when a season is successful. 
Time since Last Successful Spell

Time step counter that starts after any successful spell in the season.

If spell extension is enabled, the counter will be set to zero when the spell's minimum duration has been reached and remains zero until the spell extension is finished. It counts from the end of the spell not including the fall phase.

Timesteps Spell is Actively Ordering

This recorder indicates when ordering for the action is turned on. It includes the rise and fall phase. In this case, ‘ordering’ means the node is actively managing the delivery of the action; it does not necessarily mean any orders are made. For example, the amount of water required may be zero (due to downstream orders or minimum constraints), then the ‘ordering’ for the action is still on, only the amount ordered is zero.

This can be used in environmental flow manager functions to determine if an action is currently ordering and is often used in the function to estimate cost of an action to allow for cost to reduce as the action progresses.

Volume Ordered

This is the volume ordered by the environmental flow node on top of the downstream order. No order will be placed when the upstream minimum constraint is larger than the full requirement. When used with the EFM, this represents the volume that will be debited from the account(s) if the "Specify Maximum Account Deduction" is not enabled. 

When the EFN is managed by the EFM, the volume ordered is constrained by the account balance, whereas the Residual Requirement is not. The volume is calculated at the order phase. Volume ordered will be deducted during the ordering phase for order debit or during the flow phase for use debit.

For order debit it will debit the order when the order is placed (i.e. the latest possible timestep for the water to arrive based on travel time). For example: if there is a EFN and a storage node with 2 days travel time - if an order is placed on the 1/1/2000 it will be debited on the 1/1/2000 in order debit (i.e. when the order is placed in the system).

For use debit, the account is debited on the 3/1/2000 (i.e. when the water arrives).

Translucency Action 

Recorders available for translucency actions are listed below. If they are defined as above, no further explanation is given. 

Antecedent ConditionBy default, the antecedent condition for a translucency rule will be zero. As translucency actions do not have a return interval, the action will always be required.
Full RequirementThe required flow for an action. The product of Translucency Percentage and Translucency reference flow when in an event.
Residual RequirementThis is the order the environmental flow node has to place on top of the downstream order in order to reach the full requirement. The full requirement is reduced based on downstream orders, minimum upstream constraints and other actions of higher priority. When the upstream minimum constraint is larger than the full requirement, no order will be placed by the flow node (i.e. the residual requirement would be zero). Requirement is calculated at the order phase. The Residual Requirement is not restricted by account balances.
Time since Last Successful Event

Timestep counter that starts after a successful event. An event is considered successful if, once triggered, at least the Full Requirement is received every timestep until the End Threshold is met.

Note: if a translucency action is defined by a function Time Since Last Successful Event may become complicated. For example, using the function “if($Now.Month=1,1000,0)”, a reference flow of 1000 ML/d will be ordered in January. When a flow of 1000 ML/d is not achieved in January, the Time Since Last Successful Event recorder will begin counting, until 1000 ML/d is achieved again. However, a reference flow of zero will be required for Feb-Dec. The timesteps in these months will still be considered successful regardless of the flow, as it is always achieving what the function has defined (i.e. at least 0 ML/d) and Time Since Last Successful Event will be set to zero.

Volume Ordered

This is the volume ordered by the environmental flow node on top of the downstream order. When the upstream minimum constraint is larger than the full requirement, no order will be placed. This is the default volume that will be debited from the account(s).

Volume ordered in constrained by the account balance (whereas Residual Requirement is not). The volume is calculated at the order phase. Volume ordered will be deducted during ordering phase for order debit or during flow phase for use debit. For order debit it will debit the order at min travel time.

Other Recorder for Environmental Flow Node

Total Debited VolumeRecords the Timeseries of Total Debited Use/ Ordered Volume for its actions at the Environmental Flow Node. This is only applicable when the Environmental Flow Node is linked with the Environmental Flow Manager.

Environmental Flow Manager

Groups > Group Name > Actions > EnabledRecorder indicates when the Environmental Flow Manager has enabled an event.
Groups > Group Name > Actions > Estimated CostThe estimated cost for the group. The cost of an action is specified by the user (and in case a function is used, the result for the function can be recorded). The cost of the group is the total cost for all actions within the group.
Groups > Group Name > Actions > ImportanceThe value returned by the user-configured importance function. If not configured, the value will be zero
Groups > Group Name > Actions > Priority

Recorder showing the priority of the action. The priority of an action is determined using the equation below.

Priority = Condition / Importance

Priority is used as a ranking, i.e. the action with the lowest priority will be considered first.

Groups > Group Name > Actions > Action Name > Portfolios >Portfolio Name>Accounts>Name of the Resource Assessment Systems>Account Type: Account>Debited VolumeReports the debited volumes for the specified action from the specified account under the specified portfolio.
Groups > Group Name > Actions > Action Name > Priority

Recorder showing the priority of the action. The priority of an action is determined using the equation below.

Priority = Condition / Importance

Priority is used as a ranking, i.e. the action with the lowest priority will be considered first.

Manager Priority

The Manager Priority is table presenting relevant information about the prioritisation process for every timestep. The user can select a date, or use the scroll bar or arrow buttons to step through the timeseries.

For the selected date, the table presents for each Group, whether it was Enabled, whether it was Actively Ordering, the Group’s Priority, Prioritised Order and Estimated Cost and Total Portfolio Balance.

The table also presents, per Portfolio, the Initial Balance (excluding adjustment), the Initial Balance (including adjustment), the Final Balance (including adjustment), and the Total Adjustment.

Portfolios>Portfolio Name>Account Balance After PrioritisationThe balance of the portfolio after each group has been prioritised. This will have the account balance at the end of the resource assessment phase minus the estimated cost of each enabled group (these costs are distributed as specified in the group's portfolio priority/share properties). This value includes any balance adjustment values.
Portfolios>Portfolio Name>Account Balance excluding adjustmentThe portfolio account balance after the resource assessment phase, excluding any balance adjustment values.
Portfolios>Portfolio Name>Account Balance including adjustmentThe portfolio account balance after the resource assessment phase, including any balance adjustment values.
Portfolios>Portfolio Name>Total Balance AdjustmentThe sum of all account balance adjustments.

Resource Assessment

Resource Assessment was already existing in Source and is not specific to the Environmental Flow Functionality. The only difference in reporting is that Portfolios are listed under account hosts. Resource assessment recorders are reported per account, aggregated per account type, account host and for the whole system.  For details see Resource assessment.

Other relevant recorders (part of already existing Source software)

Minimum constraint: This is reported for every node at: ‘Node Type – Rules Based Orders – Constraints – Minimum’. The minimum constraint for the node upstream of the Environmental Flow Node is used as the (conservative) flow forecast, used for triggering (and ordering) environmental flow actions. 

Orders: The total order at the node is reported at: ‘Node Type – Rules Based Orders – Orders. (note: this includes downstream orders as well as the nodes orders)

Account Balance Pre Exit - Resource Assessment- X Accounting Recorder- Account Types - Account Type X- Account Balance Pre Exit   This is useful because it gives you the account balance after the resource assessment phase, but before the environmental flow manager evaluation phase and the ordering phase. The account balance recorder is the account balance at the end of the entire timestep. 

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