Producing a Catchment Summary Report

Producing a Catchment Summary Report

In MUSIC, you can generate a file that provides a textual summary of all the model parameters used in a model. A report can be generated prior to a model run, as well as after.

This report is saved in the .mrt file format, by default, but can be saved as a text file.

Such a file is useful where model results are being reviewed by someone other than the model author. The summary report can be used to ‘audit’ the model setup, to ensure that the chosen model parameters are appropriate.

To produce the Catchment Summary report, select 'Summary Report' from the 'Run and Analyse' tab, and then provide a name and location for the summary report file.

The format of a summary report is shown below. You will notice that its format is similar to that of a MSF file (refer to MSF file format for an example).

Source nodes

Treatment nodes

Other nodes


Catchment details

MUSIC-link details

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