MUSIC6 files to MUSICX

MUSIC6 files to MUSICX

Importing MUSIC Export Files (MEF) and MUSIC Setup Files (MSF) into MUSICX

The models created in MUSIC6 can be imported into MUSICX. MUSICX is capable of converting two types of export files from the MUSIC model, which are:

  • MUSIC Export Files (MEF) since MUSIC v6.4
  • MUSIC Setup Files (MSF) since MUSIC v6.3

The MEF file includes all components of the MUSIC6 model and is specifically designed to convert the entire model to MUSICX. This file format is recommended for converting the MUSIC6 model to MUSICX. To save models in MEF format within MUSIC v6, select Create Model » Import/Export and select Export » MEF from the drop-down menu. For further details on exporting the MEF file, please refer to the MUSIC version 6 documentation.

MUSICX also supports importing the MUSIC Setup Files (MSF). However, the MSF file does not include climate data and any other custom data if any. MSF files are text-based files that can be developed in any external text editor or spreadsheet software. To output models in MSF format within MUSIC v6, select Create Model » Import/Export» and select Export » MSF from the drop-down menu. 

The process and interface for inputting the MEF file and MSF file to MUSIX are the same, following these steps:

  • Click New Scenario on the File tool (Figure 1), and the Interface of Create a Scenario (Figure 2) will be displayed.

Figure 1 New Scenario on the File toolbar

  • Click on the MUSICX-MEF/MSF Importer in Figure 2 to choose it as a scenario type

Figure 2 The interface of Create a scenario

  • Click OK in Figure 2. You will be presented with the interface of MUSICX - MEF/MSF Import (Figure 3).

Figure 3 The interface of MUSICX - MEF/MSF Import

  • Click on the open icon in Figure 3 to browse the relevant .mef file (or .msf file)  (Figure 4). You also can enter a file name and location directly in the textbox of File to Import.

Figure 4 Open dialog for browsing the relevant .mef file (or .msf file)

  • Click on the Open button in Figure 4 to load the name and location of the relevant .mef file (or .msf file) to the textbox of File to Import (Figure 5).

Figure 5 The interface of MUSICX - MEF/MSF Import with the information of the MEF file

  • Clicking on the OK button in Figure 5 will create a new scenario by converting the MUSIC MEF file  (or MSF file).

Please note that you need to configure climate data and provide a custom SQH curve (if any) separately when inputting the MSF file. Also, pay attention to the warning message about the possible ignored storage routing in links and missed custom data files when inputting the MEF file.

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