Note: This is documentation for version 4.3 of Source. For a different version of Source, select the relevant space by using the Spaces menu in the toolbar above

Statistics in Source

There are two main categories of statistics in Source:

  • Univariate statistics provide information on a single variable and are intended to summarise and reveal patterns in that variable, see /wiki/spaces/SD43/pages/53544115.
  • Bivariate statistics compare two variables for the purpose of determining empirical relationships between them, see /wiki/spaces/SD43/pages/53544119.


Statistics are generated and may be analysed in many parts of Source:

  • In Results Manager:
  • In Calibration Wizard:
    • During configuration, you select the objective function that the optimsation algorithm will either minimise or maximise during the calibration (depending on the statistic chosen), see /wiki/spaces/SD43/pages/53543551.
    • Once a calibration run has finished, you can view a summary of the objective function statistics from the calibration run in the Simulation Runner, or view univariate and bivariate statistics, see /wiki/spaces/SD43/pages/53543551.
  • In Data Source Explorer, you can right click on a Data Source and select View Data to open a chart, table and statistics view of the data source. See Specifying data inputs - Data Sources Explorer.Â