Pass-through - SRG

Note: This is documentation for version 4.11 of Source. For a different version of Source, select the relevant space by using the Spaces menu in the toolbar above

Pass-through - SRG

Description and rationale

The Pass-through or null filter preserves the amount of constituent generated in a functional unit (FU) and passes this to the downstream sub-catchment node.


This model is a catchment scale model, but can be used in at a regional scale, if only applied to a single sub-catchment.

Principal developer

Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology.


Source v2.10


Requires a constituent generation model to be assigned to a functional unit(s).


Pass-through is automatically installed with Source.

Flow phase

The model passes the incoming constituent load directly to the relevant node without any filtering.

Input data

Incoming constituent load.

Parameters or settings


Output data

Output data is equal to input data.

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