Resource Assessment Phase

The resource assessment phase comprises of two distinct steps:

  1. Resource Assessment Pre - in this phase, accounting systems are sequentially called to perform assessments of account balances before the Order / Distribution phases. This updates the accounting system balances so that Account Hosts are able to get accurate resource assessment information before fulfilling orders. This phase is further sub-divided into two stages:
    • Entry - this is the first part of the "RAS Pre" phase. It is in this section that things like Start of Water Year resets are performed. This occurs prior to any triggering; and
    • Main / Triggers - this is where the triggers are called and the system determines balances for the Order / Demand Phase.
      Each time-step for all the Resource Assessment Systems's have their "Entry" routines called in the order in which they appear in the Resource Assessment Explorer tree. Then, they all have their "Main / Triggers" routines called in the same order. This allows each RAS to reset its values for the new times-step but before triggers which might rely on these values.

  2. Resource Assessment Post - This phase is called after flow distribution and gives the accounting system access to the post ordering state of the system. It is within this phase that shortfalls from Order use systems can be re-credited to accounts, as well as performing actions such as crediting carry-over before writing off accounts at the end of the water year.