eWater Run Manager

eWater Run Manager


The Run Manager is designed to enable Source users to harness the power of distributed/cloud computing to tackle large simulation and multi-objective optimisation problems. The Run Manager allows users to configure and execute multiple Source simulation and optimisation jobs in parallel. The Run Manager can be used in two ways:

  1. Cloud - run on Amazon Web Services (AWS) via a service hosted by eWater
  2. Local - installed and run on your local PC - which useful for scheduling multiple Source jobs on your local PC and for testing big jobs before sending them to the cloud

A third 'Cluster' mode is planned in the future to allow the Run Manager to be installed on a local network to utilise multiple personal computers.

For all modes of operation, the Run Manager is accessed via the same web-browser user interface (UI).



The process of launching the Run Manager application is described in Accessing the Run Manager.

Run Manager Interface

The Run Manager is accessed via a web browser interface (for both the Cloud and Local applications). The Run Manager Toolbar (Figure 1) is located at the top of the browser window and has the following items:

Figure 1. The Run Manager Toolbar.