

The Metadata tab provides a list of all the metadata definitions for the model.  This information can be helpful in allowing users to find models definitions and decided whether they wish to request access to the model.


A metadata definition is designed to capture brief description of the purpose, scope and content of a model. The main purpose of metadata definitions is to support and enhance the model searching functionality.

A metadata definition does not map to any physical model artefact in the Model Datastore.


A single model definition will typically contain multiple metadata definitions.  Each is identified with a unique number.

The main reason for supporting multiple metadata definitions is that metadata definition typically changes over time as the model itself changes over time. A single metadata definition contains the metadata definition at a particular point in time.

Metadata definitions support better versioning of the model definition in the Model Catalogue. 

The relationship between metadata definition and a version definitions is not necessarily a one to one. For example, a metadata definition may be linked to multiple versions

See Versions for more detail on how a metadata definition is linked to a specific version.




Users can add any relevant metadata to the model details in this section, the button will prompt the users to a pop up window to add details. Users can edit existing metadata by clicking on the  and the  button will copy the metadata id to the clipboard. To delete a version simply click the  button.

When adding new metadata, users can add descriptions and relevant keywords. The 'Number' field automatically assigns a number to each metadata. This works as a unique identifier for the metadata. Currently it is used in the Versions section and it helps with identifying and selecting relevant metadata when creating new versions.

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