5.50 - Production Release (October 2024)
eWater is pleased to release Source 5.50, which captures improvements and enhancements from May 2024 to October 2024, key activities include:
Replicate Runner functionality
More Objective Function options
Farm Dams Node - Activation Date
Other enhancements and bug fixes
Replicate Runner:
Improvements to this functionality includes bug fixes as well as enhancements.
The way leap years are handled by the replicate runner has been defined:
If the model run date is a leap year and the replicate data is also a leap year, the original value on 29 February is assigned to 29 February for the model run
If the model run date is a leap year and the replicate data is not a leap year, the average of 28 February and 1 March is assigned to 29 February
If the model run date is not a leap year and the replicate data is a leap year, the original value in the replicate data on 29 February will be ignored in the model run
Replicate Runner results are now supported when calculating Annual Descriptive Statistics in Results Manager. Results can be summarised by scenario as well as by selected sub-runs within scenarios.
Objective Functions:
Four new objective functions been added to Source Calibration functionality and also to the statistics available in Source Results Manager. These include the Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) statistic and three versions of a statistic proposed by Trotter et al (2023) which is an adaptation of the KGE to address the tendency of KGE (and NSE) to preference matching high flows:
Onstream Farm Dam node activation date:
An activation date option has been added to the Onstream Farm Dam node editor. This allows the user to better model farm dams which are built partly through a model run.
Enhancements &. Bug Fixes
Other enhancements and bug fixes include:
Linked to wrong SRG and Help in one item of Water User Node. A review was done to identify broken links from node/links UI components to the Source User Guide and the Source Scientific Guide. These were fixed.
off allocation / accounts --> remaining capacity recorder. After consultation it was decided to delete this recorder
The old data set still used in model run although the data files have been updated in Data Sources. Identified as not a bug
Disabling gauged releases stops model run. Identified as not a bug but what we expect to happen according to the usage rules of Data Sources
Error message "Values have to be monotonically increasing" is ambiguous. Generic message updated to include the name of the relevant component (e.g. the gated spillway)
Data Input - csv reader handles apostrophes in headers badly. Fixed
Rename "Carryover next year trigger total". Issues with the recorder name have been clarified
Issue with account sharing within water user nodes. Fixed
Users should not be allowed to delete triggers in Continuous Accounting Resource Assessment. Fixed
Showing an error when clicking on down arrow for filter -if there are no overrides. Tabular editor: Fixed
Error comes up in Dora when running a simple project. Fixed
Fall phase issue - Inconsistent behavior. Environmental Flows: Fixed
Trend Forecast Model: Change the default forecast timestep to 'Previous'. Fixed
Use TOL to fill min reserves before borrowing. After consultation it was decided that the current behaviour is acceptable
Regression testing
There is no tolerance in our regression test suite to allow for earlier identification of results being different on different machines or versions of operating systems.
See: 5.50 Regression Test Changes
Full release documentation