3.7 - Production Release (May 2014)

3.7 - Production Release (May 2014)

There have been a variety of changes made to Source since its previous production release including new features and improved performance. The new version, 3.7, contains several improvements over its predecessor, including a substantial reduction in size of the Source installers. Removal of the PDF versions of both the Source User Guide and the Scientific Reference Guide has resulted in a significant drop in file size, to under 80MB. Furthermore, eWater can now monitor and keep records of Source use. Changes made within the software are outlined below. Partners have access to the full list of issues available here.

Feature Table

This is a new tool in Source 3.7 that allows users to view and edit multiple nodes and storage links of a scenario at once. The Feature Table allows you to review and edit model parameters and is particularly useful during scenario development. Its equivalent in catchment scenarios allows users to assign and manage of rainfall runoff and constituent generation models significantly easier than before. Key attributes of the Feature Table include:

  • The ability to filter across a variety of parameters, including numerical values, names and parameter types. This is very useful when a scenario has a large number of nodes;
  • The ability to import and export the table, and edit cells outside of Source; and
  • The ability to copy and paste between cells and rows.

A demonstration video for the Feature Table is available here: /wiki/spaces/SC/pages/51644669.

Context variables

Context variables are a new type of variable available in Functions. A context variable allows Source users to define a function using a parameter that returns different values based on the parameter's specific context. They can be used in rainfall-runoff models, nodes and links. Users can now define one function which will use different inputs in different contexts (ie, rainfall runoff model, node or link).
This is useful for example in catchment scenarios with several sub-catchments, where a model output (such as rainfall runoff) is a function of a variable (such as rainfall). Consider a model where rainfall runoff is generated based on rainfall in the functional unit. Without context variables, a function and corresponding modelled variable would have be created for every functional unit in each sub-catchment. Using contextual variables, the function will be defined only once, but the appropriate rainfall will be used for each functional unit.

Using Context variables is demonstrated towards the end of the Feature Table is available here: /wiki/spaces/SC/pages/51644669

Performance improvements

There have been additional performance improvements in Source 3.7, resulting in the following enhancements:

  • The process for loading scenarios is now more efficient, resulting in scenarios loading quicker in projects; 
  • Run time improvements for the storage node, due to the way constraints are calculated during the ordering phase. This change is noticeable for models with a large number of storage nodes; and
  • Operations projects will also see significant run time enhancements. 

Other significant changes

  • The addition of a Toolkit Login dialog when you use Source for the first time;
  • Enhancements in the zoom tool in the Geographic and Schematic Editors;
  • When undertaking calibration for rainfall runoff models, parameter ranges can be customised. This includes the ability to go outside recommended ranges;
  • Improved visual appearance of components in the charting tool, including the addition of a Residual mass plot;
  • Rural demand restrictions were previously only available for PRIDE. This has now been extended to all demand models;
  • For NetLP, parallel arcs have the capability of carrying constituents;
  • For resource assessment, the ability to handle carryover in annual accounting systems;
  • Improvements to On Farm Storages;
  • Improvements to Bulk Licensing node;
  • Rule Curves added into the Minimum Flow node; and
  • Ability to apply Usage Caps.

Results Changing from previous versions

This can result in different results due to the following changes:

  • (warning) In the Supply Point node, the Regulated checkbox has been replaced by Allow Orders
    • It now needs to be checked if you want the Water User to distribute orders to it during the order phase.
    • This means that groundwater Supply Points need to be configured to “Allow Orders” to enable extraction which previously wasn't the case
  • (warning) Hydropower Calculations have changed. In the Storage node, results for hydropower generation were incorrect. Check the Hydropower turbine efficiency parameter in your model.


To run Insight, you must install the 32-bit version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (available for download here).

This is for both 32-bit and 64-bit machines, as the 32-bit library is used for coding purposes.

Existing Issues

  • When copying and pasting, this does not apply to expressions. Also, copied scenarios will not run when using marker routing for constituents;
  • Constituents can be added to a catchments model. You must save and re-load the project, or it will not run straight away;

Community plugins

For plugin developers: 

  • Rainfall runoff model application programming interface (API) has changed from requiring attributes Minimum( -0.20), Maximum( 0.20 ) to using a WarningRangeUnitValidator(-0.20, RangeBoundaryType.Inclusive, 0.20, RangeBoundaryType.Inclusive) for suggested ranges. This was due to RM-12190. See the example rainfall runoff model on the release branch.
  • ScenarioManagement.dll has been renamed to TIME.ScenarioManagement.dll for consistency with other projects and namespaces. This may result in invalid references, and will need to be updated.

Plugins are compatible with different version of Source, provided that the first three digits of the Source version number are the same. For example, a plugin that is compatible with different versions of Source 3.7 will not be compatible with 3.5.0.

The IQQM Converter plugin has been further developed to incorporate more aspects of the IQQM configuration in Source, including:

  • A progress bar,
  • The ability to configure Irrigator Nodes and storage nodes;

Note: If you are downloading Community plugins, you may need to manually unblock the downloaded file in Windows:

  • Once the download is complete, open Windows Explorer;
  • Right click on the dll file and choose Properties;
  • This will open the Properties dialog. At the bottom of this window will be comment indicating that the file has been downloaded from the internet and has been blocked to protect this computer;
  • Click the Unblock button next to the warning and click OK.

The plugin should then load normally.

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