4.2.1 - Beta Release (February 2017)

4.2.1 - Beta Release (February 2017)


Performance is a focus for ongoing development. The River Murray now runs in 992 seconds, down from 1565 seconds in the 4.1.0 production release!

Storage Node

Gauged Level, Operating Targets and Operating Constraints in the storage node can now be specified using either level or volume.

A new, more streamlined storage release algorithm is now ready for testing. It has allowed us to introduce more sophisticated release functionality at the storage node, and paves the way for improved overall model performance. It can be enabled through Scenario Options » Storages » Backwards Euler Method. When enabled, the following features are now also available:

  • Priorities (outlet paths) - You can apply priorities to outlet paths. Then, if there is insufficient water to meet all orders, where possible orders made by the highest priority path will be met first. Priorities set for outlet paths override ordering priorities set at the scenario level (see below)

  • Ordering Priorities - Source full version only. Ordering priorities are set at Edit » Scenario Option level of the user interface and determine how supply points are allowed to receive water if there is a shortfall. If Backwards Euler method is selected for the storage algorithm and the storage has more than one outlet path, the storage will attempt to meet higher priority requirements first in the event of a shortfall. 

  • /wiki/spaces/SD41/pages/25822050 (formerly Operating levels). The operating constraints affect storage releases by trying to keep the storage level or volume within the specified range. The storage will not release water to satisfy downstream requirements if this results in the water level dropping below the Minimum Operating value. Likewise, water will be released up to the Safe Release Capacity (set at an outlet path) to prevent the storage rising above the Maximum Operating value, for example, if you wanted to leave airspace for flood mitigation. This functionality was previously only available for weirs, but is now available for storage nodes when Backwards Euler release method is enabled.  

  • /wiki/spaces/SD41/pages/25822050 have now moved under the Ordering menu. An Operating Target refers to the level that the system will attempt to maintain in a downstream storage by ordering water from an upstream storage. 

Catchment Scenarios

 You can now choose whether rainfall-runoff is distributed to the upstream or downstream end of the receiving link. Upstream distribution means that the time delay for routed flow (from an upstream catchment) is also applied to the sub-catchment's rainfall-runoff. Because the application of baseflow is then through the routing link rather than the runoff component of the rainfall runoff model, this can affect rainfall-runoff model parameters and constituent generation models. New models will have downstream distribution set as default. 

Community Plugins

New plugin! Custom Day Aggregator is now available as a community plugin through the Source Plugin Manager. It adds a new type of transform in the Results Manager which allows for aggregation over 10 and 15 day periods. This flexibility will make it easier for some of our international users to comply with standard practice within their jurisdictions. Stay tuned for more eWater plugins...

Regression Testing

Regression Test Report including coverage (index.html): 4.2.1beta Hydrology Test Matrix.zip

Regression test repository changes since the first Source 4.2.0beta:

(warning) 2 Projects results changed
(warning) 3 Projects edited
(plus) 5 Project added

Revision 1248 -> 1338

Details here: 4.2.1 Regression Test Changes


To run Insight, you also need to install the 32bit version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package.
This installer is for both 32bit machines and 64bit machines since the library we use is 32bit: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86).

Full Release Documentation

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