4.8.0 - Beta Release (December 2018)
Carryover configuration in Resource Assessment can now change over time to assist with calibration
There is now an option to change carryover during a simulation.
Changes to "Safe Release" functionality in Storages
In the previous versions, with safe release capacity not being ticked, releases for the purpose of meeting the maximum operating target level can still happen. We have modified it so that:
- If Safe Release capacity on an outlet path is ticked: spill water can be released to this outlet path but is capped by safe release capacity;
- If safe release capacity on an outlet path is NOT ticked: No water can flow out from this outlet path for the purpose of meeting the maximum operating target level, but release to meet normal demand requirements that are passed up to this outlet path should still happen.
- Checkbox renamed from "Use safe release capacity" to "Enable release of above max operating constraint water"
Improvements to new Charting tool
The new chart implementation and settings are ready for testing. In the results Manager, go to Options \ Use New Chart and select "Use New Chart":
Then restart the application and you will be using the new chart and settings.
Minor changes
Recording changes - Source only records “Maximum Operating Level”. If maximum operating constraints for storage outlet are specified by “Volume”, there is no recorder for “Maximum Operating Volume”.
Gauged Releases now have the highest priority in the system when using priority ordering.
Community Plugins
Arrange Nodes plugin
You can now use the arrange Nodes community plugin to rearrange all the schematic nodes of a network. This could be handy if you have built a model starting with a Geographic Scenario.
CommunityPlugins \ SourcePlugin.ArrangeNodes.dll
NetLPMonthly Optimiser
- An option to allow an export of the model input settings to excel has been added
- Allow adjustment of forecast inflows for 2nd and third replicates only .
- New recorder "Requirement" for look ahead period in Arc Flows
Plugin Developers
We are planning on moving to C# 7, Visual Studio 2017 and .net 4.7.2 early next year, so you will need to make sure you have updated Visual Studio to continue developing plugins in the beta versions.
Regression Testing
Regression test repository changes since the first Source 4.6.3beta:
Project with results updated 6 Projects with Scenario Input Sets updated 6
Details here: 4.8.0 Regression Test Changes
To run Insight, you also need to install the 32bit version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package.
This installer is for both 32bit machines and 64bit machines since the library we use is 32bit: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86).
Full Release Documentation