4.7 - Production Release (December 2018)
eWater is pleased to announce the release of Source Version 4.7. We have been working hard to increase functionality and improve your user experience.
Highlights in this release include:
Custom log rules with functions for providing user-defined warnings or errors
You can now write your own custom log messages to help check model configuration and behaviour. Rightclick on the function and select "Add Custom Logs". You can then set up different levels of logs e.g. Info, Warning, Error or Fatal Error. The user defines the message. The result of the function determines the level of the log message:
A notification level of Fatal will stop the run.
If you run the storage dry, the log will look like this:
Example Project: Function Log Example.rsproj
New recorders and improved recorder performance
Several improvements to recorders, including more recorders, greater robustness when changing recorder names, the ability to add long descriptions and changes to recorder names to improve consistency across the Annual accounting system.
Ordering changes
You can now define the precision with which orders are calculated and propagated throughout the system. You can now round all orders to a multiple of a minimum order size. Available under Edit \ Scenario Options \ Order Volumes. This can help improve the consistency of results and avoid the impact of very minor changes due to floating point rounding issues.
Improved validation
There is a new Assurance rule for NetLP Convergence Failures that is a warning by default.
Water Users not using Account Sharing when assigning RA accounts is now an error by default. When a Water User is an account host in a Resource assessment System, the Water User should be set up to use Account sharing. This rule is now fatal by default, however, like any assurance rule, it can be turned off if this is the desired configuration.
New Community Plugins
Two new community plugins have been released:
- SourcePlugin.AllocationAndUtilities – is a collection of small, common utilities to help in river modelling. Thanks to Tim Smith from NSW (Dept Industry – Water) for developing this plugin.
- GR4H - a catchment water balance model that relates runoff to rainfall and evapotranspiration using hourly data. The model contains two stores and has four parameters.
Changes to Weirs
We have improved the process for converting weirs to storages and vice-versa. You can now Use Copy \ Paste with weirs in the schematic view, and Convert Storages to Weirs or Weirs to Storages.
Converting Storages to weirs is available under Tools \ Convert Storages and Weirs.
Mass Balance Report Tool improvements
The Scenario Mass Balance Report Tool now has groups, allowing you to assign categories to different components of the mass balance.
Results and Configuration Changes
Some results have changed between Source 4.5 and Source 4.7. Result changes are mostly around weirs. The eWater development team maintains a detailed system to track when results vary between different version of Source. The details at the following link will help you work out why the results have changed, and any alterations you may need to make to your model configuration. Details of result changes: 4.7 Result Changes from 4.5