4.6.0 - Beta Release (August 2018)
We have changed how we can uniquely identify a recorder. This is a backend change, however, it will allow us to more efficiently make a number of long-awaited changes to recorders.
Recorder Changes
Recorders can now be renamed a lot more easily without being a fragile process as it was previously.
Additionally we can now include long descriptions for Recorders. Most recorders don't have a long description yet, however, we have implemented the system and are starting to include long descriptions for recorders.
Annual Accounting Recorders Names
A number of recorder renames have occurred to make them consistent across the Annual Accounting system, and provide more recorders.
Specific Recorder changes in Annual Accounting
Previous Name in Source 4.5.0 | New Name in Source 4.6.0beta | |
Account, Account Type, Account Host | Account Host Adjustment | Account Balance Spill Reduction |
Spillable Water Pre | Spillable Water Pre Exit | |
- | Account Balance | |
- | Available Water | |
- | Available Water in Account Balance | |
- | Available Water in Carryover | |
- | Carryover | |
- | Spillable Water | |
- | Total Water Accounts | |
- | Account Balance Post Entry | |
- | Available Water Post Entry | |
- | Available Water in Account Balance Post Entry | |
- | Available Water in Carryover Post Entry | |
- | Spillable Water Post Entry | |
Spill Adjustment Water Year | (deleted) | |
Total Usage Water Year Pre Exit | (deleted) | |
Unit Shares | (deleted) | |
Account Type | Allocation Entitlement | Allocation |
Volumetric Entitlement | Volumetric Allocation | |
- | Max Carryover Percentage | |
- | Max Carryover Volume | |
- | Spillable Trigger | |
- | Spill Reduction Priority | |
- | Account Type Spill Volume | |
Account Host | Total Water Accounts Post Triggers | Total Water Accounts Post Trigger |
System | Ara Row | Ara Column |
Inflows | Forecast Inflows | |
Total Adjustments for Water Year | Total Account Adjustments Water Year | |
Total Spill From Accounts To Date | Total Account Spill Reduction Water Year | |
Carryover Allocated | Total Carryover Allocated | |
Carryover Total Start Of Water Year | Total Carryover Start Of Water Year | |
Carryover Total Balance | Total Carryover Balance Post Trigger | |
- | Total Account Spill Reduction | |
- | Total Account Adjustments | |
- | Total Usage | |
- | Total Water Accounts | |
- | Total Account Balance | |
- | Total Carryover Balance | |
- | Total Spillable Water | |
- | Total Transferred Water Use | |
System: AraRow: AccountType: <AccountTypeName>: | Allocation Entitlement | Allocation |
Regression Testing
Regression test repository changes since the first Source 4.4.2beta: 4 Projects and recorders changes
31 Results updated
38 Project edited to reduce Assurance rule level
Details here: 4.6.0 Regression Test Changes
To run Insight, you also need to install the 32bit version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package.
This installer is for both 32bit machines and 64bit machines since the library we use is 32bit: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86).
Full Release Documentation