3.8.17 Regression Test Changes

Regression Test Report including coverage (index.html): 3.8.17beta Regression Test Report.zip

Regression test repository changes since the first Source 3.8.16beta:
(warning) 14 Project results changed
(warning) 2 Projects edited (plugin rename)
(unknown) 1 Project removed
(plus) 9 Projects added

Revision 773 -> 814

ChangeJIRA Issue / ReasonRegression test

(warning) Project results changed


RM-14954 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Community Projects\Daily GBCL - Goulburn System
Community Projects\GBCL_daily
Community Projects\HumeYarra
Community Projects\Lower Murray Constituents
Community Projects\River Murray
Community Projects\River Murray Salinity Forecast Model
(warning) Project results changed

RM-14849 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Community Projects\NM42
Nodes\Water User\SR_NM63

(warning) Project results changed RM-14318 - Getting issue details... STATUS Nodes\Off Allocation\OAN6b
(warning) Project results changed

RM-14872 - Getting issue details... STATUS
RM-14871 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Ownership\trade demo-error

Incomplete -
(warning) Project results changed
RM-12976 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Accounting\Annual Accounting\Yong`s test case\Carryover_Goulburn_SWA

(warning) Projects editedPlugin renamed from: SedimentProcessing.dll to SourcePlugin.ConstituentProcessing.dll

Constituent\Decay modelreset ok

(unknown) Project ignoredIgnored until a more appropriate test is builtRisk Use Case
(plus) Project addedAdded after updates to IHacres model in 3.8.16:
RM-13009 - Getting issue details... STATUS  

Catchments\Rainfall Runoff\Ihacres-Classic_RR
Catchments\Rainfall Runoff\Ihacres-CMD_RR


(plus) Project added

RM-14939 - Getting issue details... STATUS Added to test SourcePlugin.ConstituentProcessing.dll

Constituent\Brune_Nutrient_Sediment Trapping
Constituent\Storage Routing Constituent

(plus) Project added RM-14643 - Getting issue details... STATUS
RM-14745 - Getting issue details... STATUS
RM-14747 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Nodes\Water User\Calibration\RM_14643
Nodes\Water User\Calibration\RM_14745
Nodes\Water User\Calibration\RM_14747
Nodes\Water User\Calibration\RM_14747_returns


(disapproval) Projects currently ignored:

River Murray Performance Test.rsprojConcerned about performance rather than results
stochastic_analysis.rsprojwaiting on RM-14842 - Getting issue details... STATUS to be implemented
Risk Use Case.rsprojignored until a more appropriate test is built