4.2.10 - Beta Release (November 2017)

4.2.10 - Beta Release (November 2017)

The focus of this release has been on Environmental Flows functionality.

Environmental Flow Manager improvements: 

The environmental flow manager manages the use of environmental water across different environmental assets. The manager allows for portfolios of held environmental water to be established, and the use of the water to be prioritized across different assets.  Required volumes (i.e. the cost of actions) for success of events are estimated and the environmental watering actions activated as prioritized. The environmental flow manager interacts with the /wiki/spaces/SD43/pages/53543668 and manages the water available from nominated accounts.  Cost and priority are defined per action or groups of actions within the environmental flow manager. The appropriate environmental flow nodes then order water when required, subject to priority and water being available in the nominated account or accounts. An action may debit from more than one account according to the defined environmental account portfolios. For environmental flow orders to be linked to environmental entitlements, three elements must be configured in the scenario: 1) at least one environmental flow node with at least one action; 2) the environmental flow manager and 3) a resources assessment system must be configured with an account that has no account host. Available under: Edit >> Environmental Flow Manager.


Environmental Flows

In 4.2.10 beta environmental flows functionality has been enhanced through: 

  • Improved interaction between translucency actions and the environmental flow manager, improved recorders including adding antecedent conditions. 
  • Better group management capability in the environmental flow manager
  • A priority table of actions/groups as an output of the environmental flow manager, allowing you to explore actions or groups in the context of the prioritised action/group list.
  • The ability to specify an antecedent condition using a function, overriding the default antecedent condition calculation

Data Aggregator

Combining models which  run at different time-steps is difficult but we have a partial solution  with the introduction  of a data aggregation feature for scenario data sources, allowing for the results from a model run on a smaller timestep able to be used as in input into a model with a larger timestep eg. 6 minute to daily.

Scenario Input Sets

Change the relative path to a data source using scenario input sets. This is useful for easily changing between data sources, and sets of data sources associated with your model.  

User Interface Improvements

You can select all upstream / downstream nodes and links from a location in the model in both schematic view and geographic view. You can select sections of a network and delete, (geographic and schematic) copy, and paste (schematic only) selected elements

Command line improvements for Operations

River operations configuration can now be run and configuration options all set through the command line


Regression Testing

Regression Test Report including coverage (index.html): 4.2.10beta regression test matrix

Regression test repository changes since the first Source 4.2.9beta:

(info) 1 Project results changed due to plugin changes
(warning) 1 Project ignored

(minus) 2 Projects recently added, results are still changing during the slow regression test

Details here: 4.2.10 Regression Test Changes



To run Insight, you also need to install the 32bit version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package.
This installer is for both 32bit machines and 64bit machines since the library we use is 32bit: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86).

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