4.1.1 - Production Release (October 2016)

4.1.1 - Production Release (October 2016)

Minor Production Release Update

Multiple Supply Points Improvements

Water users connected to multiple supply points can take water in the specified priority order. You can also specify demand distribution by a percentage or proportion. You can now split the orders based on the estimated flows coming to each supply point. You will need to navigate to Water User»Ordering Options and enable Orders depend on upstream constraints. The configure priorities at Water User»Distribution now work without a resource assessment system.  If there are any unregulated inflows from an inflow or confluence, an appropriate forecast should be set in order for this functionality to work, such as in the inflow node of the model below: 


Water Quality

When working with multiple constituents and sub-catchments, navigating the model can become unwieldy. To improve your experience, we have made improvements to the naming conventions and filters. 


Source allows you to load observed data at various points and use that information to set the flow to the observed values, and in some cases to calculate the unaccounted difference in flow. You will now notice that some icons will change on the schematic and geographic editors to indicate when flow is being set to the observed data. This applies to gauged storage/weir level, gauged storage/weir releases and inflow nodes. 

 The Set Flow checkbox (in the Gauge node feature editor) , enables the difference between modelled flow and observed flow to be recorded, and the observed flow to be used in the model.

  Storages and weirs can have observed gauge levels set by using the Apply Unaccounted Difference to Storage Level checkbox. Gauged releases are configured by right clicking on outlet paths and selecting Enable.

 Inflow node allows you to replace modelled flow with an observed flow.  

 Plugin API improvements

  • Custom functions can now be used as a single instance
  • Constituent generation models now receive a reference to the rainfall-runoff model


We are currently in the process of consolidating our online systems to deliver a better customer experience. Our software development (JIRA), documentation and community collaboration spaces will soon be found at



You can access Source user guide and scientific reference guide directly from within the software itself, either from within the feature editors, or the help menu. We have now updated the Source installers to work with the new locations, so to get the most out of your software, please go to Toolkit and download the latest version.

Regression Testing

Regression Test Report including coverage (index.html): 4.1.1 Regression test report.zip

Regression test repository changes since the first Source 4.1.0:

(info) All projects were upgraded to 4.1.0
(warning) 4 Projects results changed
(info) 5 Project updated
(plus) 2 Projects added

Details here: 4.1.1 Regression Test Changes


To run Insight, you also need to install the 32bit version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package.
This installer is for both 32bit machines and 64bit machines since the library we use is 32bit: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86).

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