3.8.21 Regression Test Changes

Regression Test Report including coverage (index.html): 3.8.21 Regression test report.zip

Regression test repository changes since the first Source 3.8.20beta:

(error)  1 Projects is getting inconsistent results
(warning) 1 Projects results changed
(info) 1 Project changed for plugins
(plus) 1 Projects added

Revision 971 -> 993

ChangeJIRA Issue / ReasonRegression test
(warning) Results changed

Correcting errors made in backward compatibility:

RM-15348 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Error made in:

RM-15122 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Community Projects\MDBAAssessment

(info) Changes to pluginsWe were having trouble getting the plugins loading separately for performance vs results testing.Community Projects\River Murray Performance Test
(error)  Project is getting inconsistent results

RM-15261 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Nodes\Water User\SR_NM63
(plus) Projects added

RM-15269 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Community Projects\MW_DS_2015

Projects currently ignored:

waiting on RM-14842 - Getting issue details... STATUS to be implemented
Risk Use Case.rsprojignored until a more appropriate test is built